Medusa: The feminist debut that boldly reclaims her monstrous myth by Hewlett Rosie & Hewlett Rosie

Medusa: The feminist debut that boldly reclaims her monstrous myth by Hewlett Rosie & Hewlett Rosie

Author:Hewlett, Rosie & Hewlett, Rosie [Hewlett, Rosie]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: SilverWood Books
Published: 2021-04-30T00:00:00+00:00


We did not mention the boy again. The snakes blocked him from my mind, along with all the other emotions they did not want me to feel. They had a real knack for blocking things out.

My snakes, my little ‘gift’ from Athena. It took me far too long to realise how toxic they really were.

They whispered endlessly in my ear and I grew weak to their suggestions, letting them pollute my mind. They fed my hatred, making sure I remained on my path of destruction. They constantly stroked my ego, reminding me how superior I was to everyone and everything, even my own sisters. In fact, it was one of their favourite pursuits, to regularly remind me how much better I was than Euryale and Stheno, how they would be nothing without me and how much of their success they owed to me… These lies clogged my mind, suffocating my own reasoning, until one day I made the terrible mistake of letting their words become my own.

We had been bathing in a nearby stream, a moment of precious peace before our next attack. Stheno and Euryale had been ruining the calm by disagreeing about something childish, I cannot even remember what it was now. I had been lying on the river bank, trying to ignore their rising voices. I was so quick to anger in those days; I could feel it constantly squirming beneath my skin, waiting to strike. The snakes slithered into my ear .

Make them shut up.

They are so useless.

And pathetic.

They hold you back, Medusa.

They are not good enough for powerful Medusa.

Tell them. Go on.

“Would you just SHUT UP?” I snapped and they fell immediately silent, surprised by the severity in my tone. I had been growing colder towards them in the past weeks, even I had noticed it, but I had never directly yelled at them.

“What’s up with Medusa?” Stheno muttered to Euryale, loud enough to ensure I could hear.

“Beats me.” Euryale shrugged, throwing me a filthy look.

They are insolent.

They should not talk to the powerful Medusa like that.

They should pay for their lack of respect.

Make them pay.

“What is up with me?” I rose and rounded on them. “I am tired of you two being a dead weight around my neck, that’s what’s up with me .” They both just stared at me, their expressions infuriatingly impassive.

Yes, Medusa! the snakes congratulated excitedly.

Let them have it.

Tell them they are worthless.

Tell them they are nothing without you.

“You would be nothing without me.” The words slipped out in a hiss. I felt guilty as soon as I had said it, but guilt was a sign of vulnerability and I could not bear to show any weakness back then, even to my own sisters. So I smothered that guilt with blind and ugly anger.

“Is that what you think of us?” Euryale spoke quietly .

“I am tired of the pair of you,” I responded, unable to look at the hurt in her eyes.

“Get off your power trip, Medusa.” Stheno rolled her eyes dismissively.


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