Lexi Magill and the Teleportation Tournament by Kim Long

Lexi Magill and the Teleportation Tournament by Kim Long

Author:Kim Long
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Running Press
Published: 2019-09-30T16:00:00+00:00

“Jeez,” she muttered as they curved around a bend. “It’s a good start, but this can turn out to be anything.”

Ron stopped at an intersection and unshouldered his pack. He pointed to a grass path that darkened in the distance. “I’m thinking we rest a couple minutes and then head up there. It leads to that out-of-the-way statue—number twenty—that’s at the dead end at the top of the maze. This is the closest we’ll be to it.”

“Okay,” Mal said as she retied her ponytail. “Then we can eat.”

Lexi checked her watch. “Wow. It’s almost three p.m. We’ve been inside for a while.” She fumbled in her pack for a few granola bars to tide them over. The thud of footsteps off to her side made her pause. Trotting from the dead-end trail, the Comets and Phenoms approached, ultimately stopping at the intersection. Hands on their knees, the Phenoms leaned over to catch their breath. Haley stuck out her lip and blew her bangs out of her eyes while her teammates slumped against the hedgerow.

“Wow,” Ron said. “I guess it really is far, huh?”

Phenom Simon swigged from a water bottle. “Yeah. Dark, too. Lots of overhanging branches.”

“Kinda spooky,” Comet Emma added. “You guys going down?”

“Yeah,” Lexi answered. “We’re about to. Just resting for a sec.”

Simon took another drink and then replied, “Good idea.” He nodded to Haley. “Let’s meet up with the Techies and see how many they found. Maybe we can start solving while we eat.”

The Phenoms walked away, and Haley’s teammates followed. Haley stayed behind a second, patting her stomach.

“Hey, Lex,” Haley said, walking to her. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” Haley didn’t wait for a response. “I want to say that I’m sorry about before. I was way out of line.”

Lexi jerked her head. “Huh?”

Haley gave a half shrug. “I shouldn’t have said what I said. You’re smart and have as much chance as anyone to win.” She leaned in. “I also want you to know that I asked the others if you could join our alliance.”

Lexi’s shoulders eased. She studied her friend’s face and saw the person she had known forever staring back at her. “Really?”

Haley smiled. “Yeah. I had a chance to think about what you said. It would be good to race together.” She paused. “But they said no, that three teams were enough since the race was already half over.”

Lexi squeezed Haley’s hand. She didn’t really care about joining the alliance anymore. The important thing was her friend was back. “That’s okay, Hale. Thanks, anyway.”

Haley started to turn, but paused. Lightly tugging her necklace, she faced Lexi. “But that’s no reason we can’t hang out. Why don’t you guys take a break and come eat with us?”

Lexi’s heart nearly burst through her chest. This was the Haley she had been looking for. This was the Haley she had missed. But her stomach tightened as she realized the offer came at the worst possible time. They had to get to the statue.

“I’d love a break,” Mal said as she stretched out on the lawn in a yoga pose.


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