Joe the Hotel Boy by Jr. Horatio Alger

Joe the Hotel Boy by Jr. Horatio Alger

Author:Jr. Horatio Alger [Alger, Jr. Horatio]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9783958642522
Publisher: Otbebookpublishing
Published: 2017-04-25T00:00:00+00:00



“Say, you, give me my money!”

Such were Josiah Bean’s words, as he rushed up to Henry Davis and grabbed the swindler by the shoulder.

The slick-looking individual was thoroughly startled, for he had not dreamed that the countryman would get on his track so soon. He turned and looked at the man and also at Joe, and his face fell.

“Wha—what are you talking about?” he stammered.

“You know well enough what I am talking about,” answered Josiah Bean, wrathfully. “I want my money, every cent o’ it,—an’ you are a-goin’ to jail!”

“Sir, you are making a sad mistake,” said the swindler, slowly. “I know nothing of you or your money.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Make him get off the car,” put in Joe.

“Boy, what have you to do with this?” asked the swindler, turning bitterly to our hero.

“Not much perhaps,” answered Joe. “But I’d like to see justice done.”

“I want that money,” went on the countryman, doggedly. “Come off the car.”

He caught the swindler tighter than ever and made him walk to the sidewalk. By this time a crowd of people began to collect.

“What’s the trouble here?” asked one gentleman.

“He’s robbed me, that’s what’s the matter,” answered the countryman. “He has got six hundred dollars o’ mine!”

“Six hundred dollars!” cried several and began to take a deeper interest.

“Gentleman this man must be crazy. I never saw him before,” came loudly from the swindler.

“That is not true!” cried Joe. “He was with the man who lost the money. I saw them together yesterday.”

“I am a respectable merchant from Pittsburg,” went on the swindler. “It is outrageous to be accused in this fashion.”

“Somebody had better call a policeman,” said Joe.

“I’ll do dat,” answered a newsboy, and ran off to execute the errand.

As the crowd began to collect the swindler saw that he was going to have difficulty in clearing himself or getting away. He looked around, and seeing an opening made a dash for it.

He might have gotten away had it not been for Joe. But our hero was watching him with the eyes of a hawk, and quick as a flash he caught the rascal by the coat sleeve.

“No, you don’t!” he exclaimed. “Come back here!”

“Let go!” cried the man and hit Joe in the ear. But the blow did not stop Joe from detaining him and in a second more Josiah Bean caught hold also.

“Ain’t goin’ to git away nohow!” exclaimed the countryman, and took hold of the swindler’s throat.

“Le—let go!” came back in a gasp. “Don’t—don’t strangle me!”

When a policeman arrived the swindler was thoroughly cowed and he turned reproachfully to Josiah Bean.

“This isn’t fair,” he said. “It was all a joke. I haven’t got your money.”

“Yes, you have.”

“He is right, Mr. Bean,” put in Joe. “The money, I think, is in your side pocket.”

The countryman searched the pocket quickly and brought out a flat pocketbook.

“Hullo! this ain’t mine!” he ejaculated.

He opened the pocketbook and inside were the twelve fifty-dollar bills.

“My money sure enough! How in the world did it git there?”

“This man just slipped the pocketbook into your pocket,” answered Joe.


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