It's Only Love by Roy Glenn

It's Only Love by Roy Glenn

Author:Roy Glenn
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: romance africanamerican contemporary
Publisher: Roy Glenn

Chapter Eight


After leaving the playground, Natasha and I walked around and I introduced her to some more of the family; and eventually, we both got tired of saying, “No really, we’re just friends.” So we both agreed that we should save the introductions until the food was ready.

“This way, I introduce you one time,” I said as we walked toward the beach.

“I say we’re just friends and then we can eat,” Natasha said, but I knew my family and I knew it wouldn’t be that easy.

When I invited Natasha, I really didn’t think she was going to come. I thought her saying maybe, was just her way of being nice. I had no intention of introducing her to the “funky bunch,” as me and Stevie used to call them. But unless she decides to leave, she gets to meet the rest of the fam. Other than my Aunt Anita, we hadn’t seen any of my “you should find a nice woman to marry” women in the family, nor had I seen any of the “why ain’t you banging her?” men. That would come soon enough.

I looked at Natasha as we walked, and asked myself once again, why wasn’t I banging her?

The food was ready and just about everybody was eating when we walked up. Okay, so, picture this, Natasha and I come walking up. The first one to see us is my cousin, James. He frantically starts tapping his sister, Sydney. I watch as Sydney’s mouth dropped open. Her father, my Uncle Eddie sees Sydney’s mouth wide open and turns around and he looks at Natasha.

“Damn! Would you look at her,” Uncle Eddie said and my Aunt Patrice hit him upside the head and it was on from there.

“See, I told y’all Victor was here,” Aunt Claire said. “Got me thinking I’m seeing things.”

“Who’s the young lady, Victor?” Maggie shouted over the rumble of conversation.

After we went through our now, well-rehearsed we’re-just-friends routine, we were permitted to get some food. Once we got our plates, Natasha collected her bone from Uncle Willie, and that immediately became a point of contention. You see, every year Uncle Willie man’s the grill, and every year, fam goes up to him and ask him to save a particular piece of meat . . . and every year he says no!

“You get what piece you get. Bad enough I got to stand over this hot-ass grill, now y’all want me to cook your meat to order,” he’d complain. But when the word got around that he let Natasha pick out her own piece, he had to answer some questions.

“I was just trying to make a good impression after Anita ran off the last one,” was Uncle Willie’s only defense.

“Y’all need to stop telling that bold-faced lie. I didn’t say anything to that girl,” Aunt Anita said.

That’s when I noticed that the fruit salad that Rhonda made wasn’t there. I looked around and I notice that Paul and Vanessa weren’t there, either.

“Paul and Vanessa didn’t make it?” I asked when we sat down to eat.


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