Hindu Tales from the Sanskrit by S. M. Mitra
Author:S. M. Mitra
Language: eng
Format: azw3, epub
Tags: Tales -- India, Sanskrit literature -- Translations into English
Publisher: Standard Ebooks
Published: 2021-03-18T20:04:23+00:00
Sringa-Bhuja loved Rupa-Sikha so much that he was ready to obey her in whatever she asked. So he at once went with her to the palace. On every side he saw signs of the strength and power of the maÂgiÂcian. Each gate was guarded by tall solÂdiers in shinÂing arÂmour, who saÂluted Rupa-Sikha but scowled fiercely at him. He knew full well that, if he had tried to pass alone, they would have preÂvenÂted him from doÂing so. At last the two came to the great hall, where the maÂgiÂcian was walkÂing backÂwards and forÂwards, workÂing himÂself inÂto a rage at beÂing kept waitÂing. DirÂectly he looked at the prince, he knew him for the man who had shot the jewÂelled arÂrow at him when he had taken the form of a crane, and he deÂtermÂined that he would be reÂvenged. He was too cunÂning to let Sringa-Bhuja guess that he knew him, and preÂtenÂded to be very glad to see him. He even went so far as to say that he had long wished to find a prince worthy to wed his youngÂest and faÂvourÂite daughÂter. âYou,â he adÂded, âseem to me the very man, young, handÂsome andâto judge from the richÂness of your dress and jewÂelsâable to give my beÂloved one all she needs.â
The prince could hardly beÂlieve his ears, and Rupa-Sikha also was very much surÂprised. She guessed howÂever that her fathÂer had some evil purÂpose in what he said, and looked earnÂestly at Sringa-Bhuja in the hope of makÂing him unÂderÂstand. But the prince was so overÂjoyed at the thought that she was to be his wife that he noÂticed nothÂing. So when AgÂni-Sikha adÂded, âI only make one conÂdiÂtion: you must promÂise that you will nevÂer disÂobey my comÂmands, but do whatever I tell you without a moÂmentâs hesÂitÂaÂtion.â Sringa-Bhuja, without waitÂing to think, said at once, âOnly give me your daughÂter and I will serve you in any way you wish.â
âThatâs settled then!â cried the maÂgiÂcian, and he clapped his hands toÂgethÂer. In a moÂment a numÂber of atÂtendÂants apÂpeared, and their masÂter ordered them to lead the prince to the best apartÂments in the palace, to preÂpare a bath for him, and do everything he asked them.
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