Double Dose of Love by Kathleen Fuller

Double Dose of Love by Kathleen Fuller

Author:Kathleen Fuller
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published: 2021-01-05T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 11

“That’s two eggs, hash browns, sausage, no gravy.” Darla scribbled the order, using the shorthand she’d learned at the diner back home, which the Watkins used too. She smiled and turned to the man’s companion. “And what would you like?”

“Same thing. But add the gravy.” He handed her his menu. “Thanks.”

Darla dropped off the menus, then hustled to the kitchen. Since she’d arrived two hours ago, she’d worked nonstop, the nerves she’d had over working at a new place quickly disappearing. She was too busy to be nervous. And, thankfully, she’d quickly adapted to the job, which wasn’t much different from working at Yoder’s Pantry in Walnut Creek. Just like everything she’d experienced since arriving in Birch Creek, this had come easily to her.

She handed the order slip to one of the cooks, then picked up the glass coffeepot and returned to the corner of her section of the diner, trying not to look too eager as she approached her favorite customer. Zeke looked so handsome this morning, his sandy-blond hair brushed a little to the side, his strong forearms leaning on the table as he nursed a cup of coffee. When he’d arrived, her heart had jumped like it had the first time she saw him. She had a hard time not watching him as he greeted the customers he knew as though they were all his friends, flashing them the charming grin she liked so much.

Darla always smiled at her customers because she never knew what they were going through. She wanted to be the person who put a little shine on someone’s day. But she’d saved a special smile for Zeke. She didn’t care what Amanda said anymore, and she was tired of her smothering. She knew her heart, and she was sure she and Zeke would be together. That belief was bolstered by his presence in the diner. He wouldn’t be here supporting her on her first day if he didn’t care. “Hi again, Zeke.”

“Hi.” He was rubbing the pad of his thumb on the side of the table.

She held up the coffeepot. “Need me to top that off for you?”

He nodded. What she really wanted to do was gaze into his eyes, but then she’d end up pouring coffee in his lap. There will be plenty of time for romance. Right now, she had to focus on her job. She filled his half-full mug to the brim, then said, “Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat? The customers say the Super Dee Duper Burrito is really gut. Especially if you add extra jalapenos.”

Zeke shook his head. “Just kaffee is fine.”

Brooke, the English waitress working the other side of the restaurant, came up beside her. “Darla, you can go on your break now.”

“Thanks.” Darla handed her the coffeepot, wondering what she would do for the next fifteen minutes. Then she looked at the empty seat across from Zeke’s, and she had her answer. She slid into the booth and folded her hands, resting them on the table.


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