A Secret Christmas by Jennifer (J.E.B.) Spredemann

A Secret Christmas by Jennifer (J.E.B.) Spredemann

Author:Jennifer (J.E.B.) Spredemann
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: christian romance, christian fiction, amish romance, beverly lewis, amish fiction, amish books, amish love, amish christmas, amish secrets, wanda brunstetter
Publisher: Jennifer (J.E.B.) Spredemann


Harv welcomed Taylor into the house, excited to be able to communicate with his daughter. Taylor stomped the snow off his boots.

“The snow finally arrived, eh?” Harv shivered. “Glad I ain’t out in that anymore! Thanks to my sweet angels.”

Taylor’s brow rose. “Angels?”

“Yep. Miss Anna, Mammi, and Miss Linda.”

Joe came to the entryway and shook Taylor’s hand. He glanced at Harv. “Hey, what about me?”

“What about you? You were as hopeless as I was.” Harv grinned.

“Maybe so, but I was the one who hooked us up with this gig.” Joe opened his arms and turned a half circle.

Harv howled in laughter. “What, you been hangin’ out with rappers now? And you know good and well that it was the Good Lord Who ‘hooked us up with this gig.’” He chuckled again.

“No rappers. I work at the shelter, remember?”

“Say no more.”

Taylor shook his head and laughed. “You two.”

“Can’t wait to see that daughter of mine again.” Harv smiled. “Whatcha got there, Taylor?”

“I brought my tablet this time. Thought it would be easier to see everyone with a larger screen.”

“Good idea.” Joe nodded. “I’ll call everyone into the living room.”

Taylor dialed the number, then set the tablet up with its cover’s stand-up feature. “Hey, Candace. Your family’s here!”

“Hi, everyone! I’ve missed you all. Are you enjoying your winter weather?”


Joe finished brushing down Brazen, then set the brush back on the hook where it belonged. He surveyed the barn, making sure everything was in order before he returned to the house. And hopefully to some of Anna’s whoopie pies.

The chilly early March air told him another snowstorm was approaching with a vengeance.

The telephone’s shrill ring pierced the air and he picked it up. He didn’t want to offer a greeting lest it be one of those people trying to sell something. They always waited for you to speak first, then they’d begin their sales spiel.

He nearly hung up when Harv’s hearty voice called through the phone line. “Hello, pretty lady!”

Joseph chucked. “I’ve been called a lot of things before, Harv, but that was not one of them. Until now.”

“Joe!” He sputtered. “I didn’t know you’d be home. Thought you was working.”

“I was, but I came home early. Heard we were supposed to get some snow and I didn’t want to be stuck out there in it. Where are you?”

“Stuck out here in it.”

“Oh, no. You at the shelter?”

“Yeah. I’m just thinkin’ of hunkerin’ down here for the night.”

“You sure? I can call Taylor and ask him to come pick you up.”

“Nah, I’ll be fine. Not the first time sleeping in a shelter, you know.” Harv chuckled.

“Oh, I know all too well. How could I forget? Let’s just not make a habit of it, alright?”


“And Harv?”

“What is it, Joe?”

“Don’t go eating all the food.”

A loud gasp echoed through the line. “What? Me?”

Joe grinned. “And don’t do anything foolish, like try to walk home in a blizzard. I don’t feel like calling out a search party to go looking for you.”

“What are you, Joe? My mother?”

“Sometimes it feels like it, Harv.


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