A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler

A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler

Author:Elsa Winckler
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Fiction, Romance
ISBN: 9781959988281
Publisher: Tule Publishing Group, LLC
Published: 2023-02-27T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eleven

Feeling strangely at a loss, Craig drove to Main Street. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have work, a number of emails were waiting for his attention. There was a restlessness inside of him, though, that was making it difficult to focus on work. A first. He’d never before experienced this. Up until now, his work life had been all consuming. Until…

With a sigh, he stared at the quaint storefronts of the shops lining the street.

His thoughts turned to the last account his team had won. He was still uneasy about the whole thing. For the first time since he’d started working, he was questioning the way they did business. It was one thing winning an account but to find out the other side had to close down? He couldn’t simply brush the thought aside like his colleagues seemed to be able to do.

To be honest, he’d enjoyed the last few days helping Annie to get more clicks on her website. It wasn’t merely a job; he was trying to help the person behind the business. He was helping someone, not tearing anything or anyone down. It had made all the difference.

Main Street was busy. When he’d been here in February, there hadn’t been much time to explore, but he’d often thought of the small town over the last couple of months. With classic Western storefronts, mountains surrounding it, Marietta was a truly beautiful town.

He remembered Aunt Janice talking about the history of the town. When copper was found in the nearby Butte, miners and prospectors, all eager to get rich, flooded Marietta. Turned out, though, the copper in Copper Mountain was more like fool’s gold and the mining ceased within ten years. The few folks who had stayed behind after most had left, as well as immigrants from Europe, started putting down roots, raising cattle and working the land and today Marietta was a thriving community.

Annie should put something about this on her website. Quickly, he got out his phone and left her a voice note.

He hadn’t really seen much of the town so far. During his previous visits, he’d mostly been around the family and Annie. And well, this time round, things hadn’t really changed. Somehow he was still always around Annie.

A sign saying Java Café caught his eye. Coffee was always a good idea. As he got out of the car, he noticed the pharmacy on the opposite corner. Before he had his coffee, he should pop in there. If he were to spend time with Annie, as she’d told everyone this morning, they’d probably end up in bed at some point. He had to be prepared. Though how it would be possible was another question—there were always family around.

In the pharmacy, he quickly found what he wanted and joined the short line waiting to pay. It went slowly. The woman behind the till seemed to know everyone and didn’t finish a sale until she’d gathered a lot of info from her customer. Nobody seemed in a hurry, so he tried to relax.


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