A Beginner's Guide to Goodbye by Melanie Mosher

A Beginner's Guide to Goodbye by Melanie Mosher

Author:Melanie Mosher
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Nimbus
Published: 2020-08-05T16:28:54+00:00

Laney walked home along the beach. She wondered if she should tell anyone that she’d met Miss Lucy. She had gone to The Point, despite her fear, to be brave, and she didn’t want to spoil the feeling. And maybe her mom wouldn’t let her go back. Laney liked being at Miss Lucy’s, helping in the garden, and sitting on the bench under a tree with a name. She giggled at the thought of Old Willy. She had never thought to name a tree before, but it seemed to suit the old willow. Laney decided to keep Miss Lucy a secret for now. She loved the peaceful feeling she had when she was in her garden and knew she’d go back as soon as she could.

At suppertime, their dad arrived. He lit the charcoal for the barbecue. Laney watched as the black squares began to turn grey on the edges.

Laney put her sun-kissed leg next to her dad’s pale one. “You have some catching up to do,” she teased him.

“I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the good weather,” her dad said as he turned the briquettes over.

“Are you staying now?” asked Laney. She crossed her fingers behind her back.

“Sorry, dear.” Her dad stayed focused on the barbecue. “Gotta get back to work. So it’ll just be a few days.”

“Oh.” Laney let her fingers slip apart. She tucked her chin toward her chest.

“How is the swimming coming along?”

“Okay.” Laney’s stared at the briquettes (fifty-eight), stalling. “I’m no Michael Phelps.” Laney laughed, thinking of the Olympic swimmer she had seen on TV.

“Kate says you have a new friend. Have the two of you made it to the diving stand?”

“We haven’t gone yet.” Laney looked back down at the ground. “We have been watching the Olympics.” Her dad liked sports as much as John.

“Good for you.” Her dad placed the burgers on the grill. “Go on in and help set the table while I cook the best burgers around.” He ruffled Laney’s hair just like John did.

The family talked and ate. John told them all about kayaking with Bruce and digging clams. Kate said Arthur Johnson had asked her to help with the twins and he’d pay her. Kate was saving the money so she could buy a new dress when they got back to Truro. Laney talked about practicing gymnastics with Heidi, and that she wasn’t great at it, but Heidi didn’t seem to mind. Their mom listened and their dad teased. For a moment everything was normal.

“You know, the biggest burger in the world was 134 pounds and the bun was two feet in diameter,” said John.

“Wow, that would take a lot of ketchup,” laughed their dad.

“Hey, these may not be the biggest burgers, but they are great. Thanks, Dad.” Laney rubbed her hand over her full belly.

“The best in all of Tidnish,” agreed Kate.

“Thank you, ladies. And thank you for cleaning up without me even asking.” Their dad winked.

Kate rolled her eyes at the joke. “Come on, Laney. Let’s get started,” she said.


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