Set: A Novella (Them Boys Book 1) by Alexandria House

Set: A Novella (Them Boys Book 1) by Alexandria House

Author:Alexandria House [House, Alexandria]
Language: eng
Format: epub, azw3
Published: 2019-11-16T18:30:00+00:00



“Wow, this place is nice…and huge,” I said, as he led me through the pristine glass entry doors of Mitchell Fitness.

Inside, it looked like any other gym—workout equipment, mirrors, people exercising, but this was Set’s gym. The man I loved owned his own gym and had clients that he trained. That was why we were there. He had a couple of clients to see and didn’t want to leave me at his place alone, and truth be told, I didn’t want to be away from him anyway. Shit, if I could’ve glued myself to his fine ass, I would’ve.

“Let me give you a tour,” he offered, taking my hand in his.

“Okay, but I don’t have to work out, do I? I’m allergic to exercise.”

He chuckled. “Come on, now…you expect me to believe you got this fine with no exercise?”

I shook my head. “Whatever, Set.”

If I thought I was proud of him because of my initial view of his gym, I was damn near in tears when he showed me the room that held the boxing ring. There were boxing bags in the corners of the room, and the walls were covered with paintings of Set, replicas of the boxing photos I’d seen of him on social media and in his home. My breath got caught somewhere between my lungs and my mouth as I slowly did a three-sixty, taking it all in.

“So, what do you think?” he asked, with a look on his face that told me he really wanted to know.

I dropped my eyes, because I was literally on the verge of tears, and softly said, “Set, it’s…” Words actually escaped me. I didn’t know how to verbalize the pride that was bubbling inside of me, so I reached up to grasp the face of this man who was a foot taller than me, and kissed him, hoping what I was feeling would somehow be transferred to him.

When the kiss ended, he smiled. “So…you like it?”

Through a giggle, I replied, “I do. I love it, Set. I’m…I’m so proud of you.”

Cradling my face in his hands, he returned, “That means a lot coming from you, Kareema. A whole lot.”

All I could do was fall into him and hug him tightly, and he hugged me right back. We parted when two men filed into the room and spoke to Set who quickly herded me out into the hallway.

“You’re not going to introduce me to your friends?”

“They’re actually my employees, and hell no. Them niggas always tryna fuck somebody.”

It’s a damn shame how giddy those words made me feel.

I explored the gym alone while Set worked with his first client of the day, an older lady who was in way better shape than me. If I hadn’t been wearing a sundress and sandals, her level of fitness might have influenced me to hop on a treadmill.

That session was followed by his second and last client of the day, a much younger woman, a very friendly, very flirtatious younger woman with slim hips and huge breasts.


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