The Year We Disappeared: A Father - Daughter Memoir by Cylin Busby & John Busby
Author:Cylin Busby & John Busby [Busby, Cylin & Busby, John]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Mystery, Non-Fiction, Adult, Biography
ISBN: 9781599904542
Google: dUuHBbYK5IMC
Goodreads: 3181454
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Published: 2008-08-05T00:00:00+00:00
chapter 21
AS that fall slowly became winter, it was clear that school this year would be very different for all of us. Eric got a black eye from fighting some guys in gym class. “I’ll kill that dick if he ever comes near me again,” he told Shawn after school. And Shawn said he would help. “I’ll hold him down and we’ll beat the shit out of him.”
Shawn had a concussion two weeks earlier from a fight he had been in at school and had to go to the emergency room. I’d started to hear rumors in the elementary school about my brothers: They got into fights all the time. They were bad. Shawn was crazy. Eric was about to be moved into the “special” class. I didn’t understand how they could have gone from being really good students and good kids to being bad practically overnight, but it had happened. Now they liked to swear all the time and go shooting with Dad’s cop friends. They had been to the firing range with Dad and Don Price and had learned how to use guns. Shawn told me that it was really loud, but Eric didn’t say anything about it. “Eric’s a pretty good shot,” Shawn told me after one of their practice sessions. “But I flinch too much.” He must have heard that from one of the cops, because the way he said it, it didn’t even sound like him talking.
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