The Retired S Ranked Adventurer 5: A LitRPG Adventure by Wolfe Locke & James Falcon

The Retired S Ranked Adventurer 5: A LitRPG Adventure by Wolfe Locke & James Falcon

Author:Wolfe Locke & James Falcon [Locke, Wolfe & Falcon, James]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2023-08-09T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 14: Own Pacing

"Any other intel on the Sons?" Sven finally asked, finding Matthew's gaze.

Matthew threw a quick, nervous look around. "Let's talk in the kitchen. You were going to show me that...what was it?"

"Burgers and fries," Sven replied, washing down the last of his shepherd's pie with the remnants of his ale. "Got ground beef, salt and pepper, potatoes?"

"We have that."

Ketchup might be an issue, he thought. Might need to make this burger taste good enough without it. A hurdle, but nothing he hadn't faced at the grill.

Stepping into the kitchen, Sven was in his element. Even though he was in an unfamiliar place, this was familiar territory. He began to take stock of what he had to work with. "Just you watch, Matthew," he muttered to himself, "Let's see how you like 'simple' food."

Just like that, Sven was lost in the world of culinary arts, momentarily forgetting about the Sons, demons, and otherworldly missions. For the time being, he was just a cook sharing his craft.

Matthew fetched the ingredients, his voice dropping to a murmur as he began. “The Sons are a peculiar lot.”

Sven raised a brow. “You don’t say?”

"It's not just their peculiar lifestyle. Orphans living in a central tower, it's certainly unusual. They are capable fighters. And in these...troubling times, they've proven their mettle."

"The demon," Sven clarified.

Matthew's face tightened. "Yes, the demon."

"But they have been battling it, haven't they? Protecting the city?"

"That they have. Credit where credit's due. They’ve thwarted it and its minions time and time again. But their methods...they're questionable at times. The ends justify the means for them, if you catch my drift."

"I do," Sven acknowledged, quietly accepting the potatoes Matthew handed over. His tenure with the Adventurer’s Guild and his old friend Galen had exposed him to such types before. Life, he thought, certainly had a knack for bringing things full circle.

Setting to work, Sven warmed the oil, expertly peeling the potatoes and slicing them into thin sticks before submerging them into the hot liquid. Simultaneously, he formed the ground meat into a loose disc and placed it in a separate skillet with a bit more oil. As the food sizzled, the kitchen filled with the tantalizing scent of their efforts.

“Got any bread rolls?” Sven asked, glancing at Matthew.

Matthew furrowed his brow. “Like hot cross buns?”

“Never mind that. Any roll will do.”

Matthew complied, and Sven toasted the roll to a golden brown, carefully turning the burger and stirring the fries as they cooked. The resulting dish might not be an exact match to the Rustic Grill's signature plates, but it was pretty damn close.

Suddenly, the kitchen door creaked open and an elderly patron from the bar peered in. "Caught a whiff of something delicious," he commented, his eyes lighting up. "What's cookin'?"

Sven flashed a warm smile. "You'll find out soon enough. I've made enough for everyone to sample."

The portions were modest, but no one would be left out. A few fries for each wouldn't hurt, either.

As the meal came together, Matthew passed Sven a large serving plate.


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