The Main Attraction by Dara Girard

The Main Attraction by Dara Girard

Author:Dara Girard [Girard, Dara]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Ilori Press Books

Chapter Twenty

She’d guessed.

How could she have guessed?

Instead of taking the elevator Brett walked up the stairs to his office welcoming the exercise. His body hummed with...damn what was this strange new sensation? Fear? Dread? Shock?

How could she have guessed?!! He’d been very careful in how he separated his past from his present life. He’d lived the life of a civilian, which was how dancers thought of non-dancers.

But somehow she’d seen who he used to be and that terrified him. He’d buried that man years ago. Covered him up with all his dark regrets and secrets and forced himself to forget. He’d changed. He wasn’t that man anymore. He’d created a new image. There was nothing of the passionate, adventurer he used to be. Now his life was about stability, investment, planning for the future.

For nearly a decade his past had been his shadow realm, a place only few people knew about, a place he rarely visited. He’d grown comfortable with the split he’d devised, but Corinne, with one statement, had shoved his two worlds together threatening an explosion.

It was her lack of surprise that troubled him the most. She spoke as if being a dancer and business owner were completely compatible. As if she were sewing up two halves of a man and making him whole. But he wasn’t whole. He knew that more than anyone. She certainly couldn’t know that. But she’d guessed anyway.

That made him feel exposed, vulnerable. He hated that. He wondered if she hated that too. If that was why she hadn’t come up with another reason to see him again. If she’d realized he wasn’t the man she’d thought he was. It had been a risk to show her his office and the cats. Had he unknowingly revealed hints of his past...?

He reached the fourth floor, turned down the hall and headed towards his office.

He’d miss her, but it was best they parted ways now before he grew too attached. She’d amused him. He’d found her comfortable and refreshing in a world of pretense. But getting attached was dangerous.

“I like her.”

Brett jumped and spun around at the sound of his father’s voice.

His father laughed. “I haven’t been able to startle you like that since you were a kid.”

He scowled, feeling his face burn with both embarrassment and resentment. “What are you still doing here?”

“I have nowhere else to go.”

That was a lie, but he let it pass. He’d managed to come up with a way to put his father’s favorite hobby—knitting—to good use. He now knitted baby booties, caps and blankets for preemies and newborns for two area hospitals and scarves and gloves for a local homeless shelter. Crafting and delivering his creations kept his father busy enough to keep his mother happy, but Brett still invited his father to lunch every now and then just to make sure. Brett headed to his office.

His father followed. “Did you hear what I said?”


“I like her.”

“I’m glad for you. She seemed to like you too.”

“That’s interesting.”

Brett opened his office door and walked inside.


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