The Beggar's Wrath by J. B. Drake

The Beggar's Wrath by J. B. Drake

Author:J. B. Drake [Drake, J. B.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: J.B. Drake
Published: 2019-05-17T06:00:00+00:00


Cursing under his breath, Thane stormed toward the Summoner Pens. Thalas’ words still rang in his ears: time was short, Netari was becoming impatient.

“Blasted girl,” he snarled. “Submit already!”

And it wasn’t just Netari whose patience was at an ebb. All he was after was her friendship, how could that be so difficult? Had he been trying to bed her, that he could understand, but it was just blasted friendship!

As the Summoner Pens came within sight, Thane slowed his steps. The whole reason for walking was to allow him regain his composure after all. Breathing deep, he let it out slowly as he went over his words in his mind.

“If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what will,” he muttered before taking another deep breath and resuming his march to the Summoner Pens. As he entered, he braced himself. Even with the enchantments within the Pens, his stomach still churned at the stench of the animals within, and as he entered, the familiar feelings of nausea and disgust hit him hard.

“Damned place…” he seethed before forcing a smile upon his lips.

Holding on resolutely to his smile he made his way deeper inside, until at last, the now-familiar call came.

“Marshalla, your beloved is here!”

Hiding his disdain behind a wry smile, Thane made his way towards the glowering elf that was Marshalla, and for a brief spell, both stared at each other with neither saying nary a word.

“What,” Thane said, breaking the silence, “not even a hello?”

“What you want this time?”

She was testy, irritable.

“When is she not?” Thane thought as he widened his smile.

“I wager you’re sick of seeing me by now—”

“Don’t bother, you’ll lose.”

Thane gritted his teeth, but held his smile firm. “Yes, well, I have come with an offer, a game even.”

“What game?” Marshalla asked, frowning.

Shoving his hands into his pockets, Thane walked over to the haystack near Marshalla, and sat upon it before speaking.

“A game of Truth, Marshalla. You shall ask me as many questions as you wish, and I shall answer truthfully, every single one.”

Marshalla’s frown deepened. “What a stupid game.”

“Is it? You still believe I am false, so ask whatever question you feel will prove you are right, expose me as the liar that I am.”

“You’ll lie.”

Thane shook his head, his smile widening. “Not at all. I am honour-bound to answer you.”

Marshalla glared at him a spell.

“Of course,” Thane continued, “the game requires the both of us asking each other questions, and both of us being honour-bound to answer true…”

“Not telling you anything, Thane.”

“…but in this instance, I am willing to forgo your part in the game, and have just I being the one questioned.”

Marshalla glared still as she weighed his words.

“You’ll lie,” she said at last.

“For the love of the gods, girl,” Thane snarled in his mind, “just play the damn game!”

“Upon my honour,” he said instead, “every word shall be true.”

Silence fell upon the pair anew, until at last Marshalla shook her head.

“Not playing your stupid game, Thane,” she said as she turned away from him. “Just go.


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