Taking Up Space by Alyson Gerber

Taking Up Space by Alyson Gerber

Author:Alyson Gerber
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.

The next day, I wake up early. I try to fall back asleep, but I’m hungry, and no matter what I do, I’m awake. I bring my book downstairs and eat my yogurt as slowly as I can while I read. But then there’s nothing left in my bowl, and I’m still so hungry.

A few minutes later, Dad sits down next to me. “Let’s go out for breakfast. I’m in the mood for pancakes or waffles. We should get both.” He sounds excited, and a big plate of chocolate chip pancakes with Vermont maple syrup would taste so good.

“I just ate,” I say.

“Eat again.”

“I don’t feel that great. I couldn’t really sleep.”

Dad puts his hand on my forehead, like he’s sure my problem is the kind with symptoms and solutions, even though it’s not. I don’t have a fever or a stomachache.

I put my elbows on the table and rest my head in my hands. “I got into a fight with Emilia. I thought it was over. But she’s still mad. There’s nothing I can do to make it better. Ryan even said. And I’m pretty sure it’s never really going to be okay again.” I know it’s true as soon as I say it. Even if she does eventually get over the fact that I kept secrets from her, it’s the kind of fight that’s going to be there from now on, stuck between us, like gum, making everything a little sticky.

“I’m sorry,” Dad says.

“It’s my fault.” I stop myself, because I realize Dad and I have never actually talked about boys or crushes and it might be awkward. But also, I don’t care if it is. I want to tell him. “We like the same boy. Only I didn’t tell Emilia I had a crush on him, or that we’re partners for Chef Junior. And then she found out.”

“That’s tricky.” Dad nods. “But there’s nothing wrong with liking the same boy. You can’t help who you like.”

“I tried really hard to stop.”

Dad puts a hand on my shoulder. “Emilia probably just needs time to get over the fact that you didn’t tell her about Chef Junior.”

“I hope so.”

“You look tired, kiddo. You should try to go back to sleep or at least get into bed and rest. I can take you out for breakfast when you’re up again.”

“Okay. I’ll try,” I say, and then walk upstairs, because I’m pretty sure going to my room and staying there is the only way to avoid eating pancakes.

I get back into bed and read until it’s almost time to leave for Benny’s house. I shower and change into a sweatshirt that’s big enough so I can hide a little, but not so baggy that it looks like it swallowed me. I’m finishing my hair when my phone buzzes. It’s a text from Ryan: Pickup game downtown in an hour. Emilia will be there. Come.

Are you sure? There’s no way she wants me there.

She needs to get over it. We have a game tomorrow.


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