Song of the Fallen: Book 1 of The God Slayer Chronicles by Casias R. A

Song of the Fallen: Book 1 of The God Slayer Chronicles by Casias R. A

Author:Casias, R. A.
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Resonance Press
Published: 2023-09-29T00:00:00+00:00



Our faithful steeds thunder on powerfully through the night as we traverse the mighty Nexus River. Named after the god of direction, it is a fitting path for our journey. The river’s forked tributaries, Astralis and Temporis, flow alongside us, their names a testament to the gods who birthed him.

The bustling port city of Aquila welcomes us with open arms, its vibrant streets teeming with a kaleidoscope of cultures and races. Aquila is a veritable cosmopolitan melting pot, where harmony and skirmishes dance in an intricate waltz—clashes juxtaposed with celebrations.

The market’s riotous energy engulfed me in a dizzying tide of sensations. The gravelly shouts of merchants touting exotic wares - jasmine incense, vibrant silks, strange carved idols - blended into a roar. Sunlight glinted off piles of precious stones and metals, their dazzling colors swimming before my eyes. The tang of spices - cinnamon, turmeric, cardamom - mingled with the earthy aroma of fresh produce and fragrant blooms. Vendors shouted in a mix of dialects, hawking brightly dyed textiles, gleaming jewels, and aromatic spices. My head spun from the barrage of sounds, smells, and sights in this bustling hub where the world converged. The cacophony of the market was disorienting. Under the din, I thought I heard a few angry shouts and witnessed some dark looks shot our way amid the chaos.

News of our quest spreads like wildfire, reaching every corner of the city. We find ourselves at the center of attention, a double-edged sword that both thrills and unnerves me. The Seer’s warning echoes in my mind as we enter the heart of the metropolis. But my friends seem oblivious to the weight of it all. The sights, sounds, and flavors surrounding them captivate them.

“Look at this place,” Armoni marvels, her eyes wide with wonder as she takes in the vibrant clash of cultures in Aquila’s streets. “It is as if the entire world has gathered here.”

Iremis nods, the dazzling array of goods capturing his attention. “Look at these wonders.” he effused, darting from stall to stall. “Oh, I must have that scarlet silk! And those spices - imagine the dishes I could create.” His enthusiasm is infectious, making me see the sights anew through his eyes. From the severe dearth we’ve witnessed in our travels, this land of plenty is a sensory overload for us. “The wonders of the realms are at our fingertips. I could spend a lifetime exploring this city,” he gushes, oblivious to the attention he garners from the young maidens who cast furtive glances from beneath lowered lashes. My heart swells with affection, longing to express itself freely.

As we stroll through the market, the exuberant cries of merchants touting their wares take on a shrill, desperate edge. Beggars watch from shadowy alcoves, their eyes filled with resentment. The chaos here seems precariously balanced between vibrancy and volatility.

Children, their eyes sparkling with wonder, run through the streets, their voices echoing with laughter and excitement. They reenact our daring feats, brandishing makeshift swords and mimicking our battle cries with a fervor that warms my soul.


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