Phoenix Burning (Phoenix Series, Book 2) by Melody Anne

Phoenix Burning (Phoenix Series, Book 2) by Melody Anne

Author:Melody Anne [Anne, Melody]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Best Selling Author, Billionaire, love, Melody Anne, New York Times, NYT, romance, Romance Author
Published: 2020-03-18T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Twenty-One

“Phoenix, why do you continue to resist me?” Vyco purred in her ear. “I only want to help. Don’t you miss Jayden? You can be with him — and not just for this lifetime. You can be with him for eternity, never dying, never losing your youthful beauty and young body. All you have to do is take my hand. He’s hurt, Phoenix — he needs you. Why won’t you come to him?”

Vyco circled her, close, but not touching. He said the very thing she wanted to hear — she could have an eternity with Jayden.

“They’re lies, Phoenix. You must stay strong,” Josiah’s voice whispered in her other ear.

She was torn. She didn’t know what to do. She missed Jayden, and each day he was away, she felt like she lost another piece of him. It would be so much easier to take Vyco’s hand and end her suffering. She knew it was wrong, but she felt herself caving and what worried her was, she didn’t care.

As if Vyco could smell her weakness, his dark face softened. He caressed her tear-stained cheek. His ice-cold skin was rough against her face.

“End your suffering, child. Take my hand,” he whispered. His icy breath washed over her face, making her shudder. He repulsed her, but what he offered was what she desired most. How bad would it really be to reach out and take his hand? She could see Jayden again, and that was all she wanted. “That’s right, give in to your needs. Listen to your heart.” His words soothed her.

“Phoenix, it’s a lie. Remember who you are, remember your brother, your parents, and Sadie. Jayden doesn’t want you to do this. Everything he does, it’s all for you,” Josiah whispered, his voice filled with pain as he felt her control slipping.

“But I miss Jayden — I need to see him. I’m starting to forget about us . . .” she said with anguish. The memory of how it felt to be in his arms, or to have his lips caress hers, had faded so much. She could hardly remember how her heart would skip a beat with one look from him. She longed to remember them together.

“Jayden is strong. He needs you to stay strong too,” Josiah said urgently. “You won’t get him back by taking Vyco’s hand. You’ll lose him forever.”

“He’s deceiving you, Phoenix. Let me show you. All you have to do is take my hand. Reach forward and all the pain ends. Jayden’s hurting. He can’t call out to you, but he desperately needs you to help him,” Vyco interrupted. He was standing in front of her — all she needed to do was reach forward. She lifted her hand toward him. She was done fighting.

“Phoenix, you have to wake up. Phoenix!” she heard an urgent whisper, but it was so far away. She felt her body shaking. She pulled further into herself. She didn’t want to wake up. She wanted to stay where she was. She was so close to being with Jayden.


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