North Pole Unlimited Collection 1 by Elle Rush

North Pole Unlimited Collection 1 by Elle Rush

Author:Elle Rush [Rush, Elle]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: SBD Entertainment



North Pole Unlimited Headquarters

December, Manitoba, Canada

* * *

The conference table groaned under the weight of two good-bye cakes: one for his boss, George Macintyre, and the other for Constantine Phelps, NPU’s retiring head of security. The security chief had agreed to stay till the end of the year to get his replacement through his first Christmas with the company, but he wanted his cake early.

Decker was going to work out fine. Locating and retrieving a malfunctioning E.L.V.I.S. prototype which had been programmed to hide was enough to earn him the job without any objections from the board. Finding it while at the same time busting an illegal purebred pet scamming organization and cracking a shoplifting ring was just showing off. He had already increased the company’s internet security and presented a proposal to bring rescue animals into their manufacturing plants as guard dogs. Nick was pretty sure that idea had come from Dr. Farnsworth’s new veterinary assistant.

Nick still wasn’t certain how his grandmother had arranged for Decker’s new girlfriend to be hired at the same time. There was no doubt Joy was a great fit, but Nick didn’t know how the head of the Animal Care department had even found out about her. NPU background checks took months to complete once the decision to hire was made. They usually used a local detective to investigate applicants, but Dr. Farnsworth had somehow arranged for one out of Toronto to look into Joy’s case.

He decided he wasn’t going to question it too hard considering how well it had all worked out.

Dr. Andrea Farnsworth and the rest of the staff in the Animal Care department thought Joy walked on water. She didn’t spend much time with the larger animals, but she reorganized and took over the puppy and kitten rooms like a boss. Anyone who got a pet from one of NPU’s sponsored shelters was going to be a good pet parent. Or else. Nick smiled at the thought of her ferocity.

His grandmother sidled up next to him. “Nice party. Is this your doing?”

“No, it was all Jilly.”

“She needs a raise.” She handed her empty cake plate off to a wandering waitress who was collecting them and said, “Why don’t you walk me back to my office?”

Whether she was asking as his grandmother or boss, the answer was the same. “Of course. What can I do for you?”

She took his arm as they walked across the freshly polished marble floor of the lobby. “I have news. John Tinder is going out on medical leave indefinitely.”


She nodded, her eyes misty. “We don’t expect him back for a long time, and when he does return, he’s asked to be given a desk job. We’re looking for replacement, but the person has to be willing to travel. We have someone in mind, but I think I want a field test before we officially announce him as the new senior manager in Mergers and Acquisitions. We’ll talk later.”

Here we go again.



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