La città femminista by Leslie Kern

La città femminista by Leslie Kern

Author:Leslie Kern [Leslie Kern]
Language: ita
Format: epub
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

1 Woolf, A zonzo: un’avventura londinese, cit.

2 Baudelaire, Il pittore della vita moderna, cit.

3 Dan Bacon, How to Talk to a Woman Wearing Headphones, “The Modern Man”, senza data,

4 Martha Mills, How to Actually Talk to a Woman Wearing Headphones, “The Guardian”, 30 agosto 2016,

5 Michelle Hamilton, Running While Female, “Runner’s World”, 8 agosto 2017,

6 David Williams, A Startling Number of Women Say They Have Been Harassed While Running, “CNN”, 23 agosto 2018,

7 Blane Bachelor, Road Biking While Female, “Outside”, 23 maggio 2018,

8 Jacobs, Vita e morte delle grandi città. Saggio sulle metropoli americane, cit.

9 Starbucks: Philadelphia arrests of black men “reprehensible”, “BBC News”, 16 aprile 2018,

10 La pratica del controllo dei documenti è paragonabile a quella dello “stop and frisk” usata dalla polizia negli Stati Uniti. A Toronto, questi controlli sono stati denominati “community engagement reports”: la polizia ferma le persone a piedi o in macchina e chiede loro di esibire un documento di identità, in questo modo vengono raccolti anche altri dati sensibili come l’indirizzo, i nomi degli amici e dei membri della famiglia ecc. È stato dimostrato che questa pratica colpisce in modo sproporzionato i neri, gli indigeni e altre minoranze.

11 Desmond Cole, The Skin I’m In: I’ve Been Interrogated by Police More Than 50 Times – All Because I’m Black, “Toronto Life”, 21 aprile 2015,

12 Gabrielle Peters, A Wheelchair User’s Guide to Consent, “CBC News”, 20, gennaio 2019,

13 “Prima chiedi poi aiutami” [N.d.T.].

14 Peters, A Wheelchair User’s Guide to Consent, cit.

15 Clint Edwards, Why Mothers Stay Up Late, “Scarymommy”, s.d.,

16 Darke, The Man-Shaped City, cit., p. 89.

17 Wunker, Notes from a Feminist Killjoy, cit., p. 9.

18 Wilson, The Sphinx in the City: Urban Life, the Control of Disorder, and Women, cit.

19 Émile Zola, Al paradiso delle signore, traduzione di Alfredo Jeri, Rizzoli, Milano 1989 (ed. orig. Au Bonheur des Dames, 1883).

20 Liz Bondi, Mona Domosh, On the Contours of Public Space: A Tale of Three Women, “Antipode”, 30, 3, 1998, pp. 270-289.

21 Ivi, p. 279.

22 Ivi, p. 280.

23 Kern, Sex and the Revitalized City, cit.

24 Bondi, Domosh, On the Contours of Public Space: A Tale of Three Women, cit., p. 283.

25 Ivi, p. 284.

26 Alan Latham, Urbanity, Lifestyle and Making Sense of the New Urban Cultural Economy: Notes from Auckland, New Zealand, “Urban Studies”, 40, 9, 2003, pp. 1699-1724; Steve Penfold, The Donut: A Canadian History, University of Toronto Press, Toronto 2008.

27 Leslie Kern, From Toxic Wreck to Crunchy Chic: Environmental Gentrification Through the Body, “Environment and Planning D: Society and Space”, 33, 1, 2015, pp. 67-83.

28 Ray Oldenburg, The Great Good Place, Marlowe and Company, New York 1989.

29 Sonia Bookman, Brands and Urban Life: Specialty Coffee, Consumers, and the Co-creation of Urban Café Sociality, “Space and Culture”, 17, 1, 2014, pp. 85-99.

30 Leslie Kern, Heather McLean, Undecidability and the Urban: Feminist Pathways Through Urban Political Economy, “ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies”, 16, 3, 2017, pp. 405-426.

31 Leslie Kern, All Aboard? Women Working the Spaces of Gentrification in Toronto’s Junction, “Gender, Place and Culture”, 20, 4, 2013, pp. 510-527.

32 Lezlie Lowe, No Place to Go: How Public Toilets Fail Our Private Needs, Coach House Books, Toronto 2018.

33 Ivi, p.


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