Giants: Sons of the Gods Paperback by Douglas van Dorn

Giants: Sons of the Gods Paperback by Douglas van Dorn

Author:Douglas van Dorn [Dorn, Douglas van]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780615815374
Publisher: Waters of Creation Publishing
Published: 2013-06-07T14:00:00+00:00

Fig. 3.3. “Montauk Monster”

It may seem like such an idea as ancient heavenly beings tinkering with human and animal DNA belongs to the world of science fiction, but the Island of Dr. Moreau is real today. These are only the experiments we know about. Ohio, Arizona, Louisiana and other states have all passed laws prohibiting human-animal hybridization,[315] not because state Senates have time to waste or couldn’t get their daily fix of Star Trek, but because these are real concerns in the modern world. Given that heavenly beings are much smarter than we are and have been around a lot longer than any human living today, why would we think that they were incapable of mixing the human genome with other DNA (be it with their own or some animal) in the past?

Has a Darwinian worldview so shaped the mindset of Evangelicals that they are unable to entertain the thought that our ancestors, given supernatural help, may have actually been capable of such things? Has naturalism so infected us that we can no longer seriously entertain even the possibility that supernatural beings have interacted with humans in the past? We’ve seen the caduceus and the double helix. We have plenty of evidence from the Bible and other ancient cultures that such creatures could have been real.

As far as I know, little to nothing in the way of bones of centaurs, *minotaurs*, sirens, or satyrs have ever been found (though there have been reports of giant human skulls having horns).[316] The lack of proof is not proof of the lack. What I do know is this. Isaiah employs highly charged mythological language to describe a demon infested ruin of two places with roots deep in the giant legends of antiquity. The idea that the Bible speaks about centaurs, sirens, satyrs, Lilith, and *chimeras* is worth taking the time to ponder.


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