Desecration by Tim LaHaye

Desecration by Tim LaHaye

Author:Tim LaHaye [Lahaye, Tim]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Israel, Christian, Steele; Rayford (Fictitious character), Fantasy fiction, Rapture (Christian eschatology), General, Christian fiction, Fantasy, Antichrist, Fiction, Religious, Futuristic
ISBN: 9780842332293
Published: 2002-05-05T23:00:00+00:00


HANNAH FOUND the Israeli believers remarkably low maintenance. Many had brought food, which they shared with others. All they wanted was to know when they might be transported to Petra, and the best Hannah could tell them was that she believed it would be that very evening. The people paced or sat and talked about Carpathia, what had gone on at the temple and the Temple Mount that day, and how excited they were about this new adventure. They wanted to meet Micah.

Big George, who proved shy around Hannah, and Abdullah, who was shy around everyone, busied themselves setting up their weapons nest where they could be seen neither from the sky nor by the Israelis, who did not need to be unduly troubled.

Hannah found herself praying for David, for Leah, for Rayford, and for the entire operation. When she had a moment, she stole back into the medical quarters and reread David's E-mail.

Hannah, forgive me. What can I say? You are right. I was insensitive. And don't give a second thought to your worry that I might misinterpret your feelings. The truth is, if there was one thing that niggled at the back of my mind in this whole decision, it was that I was going to miss you. I didn't know how to express it because I didn't want to be misunderstood either.

I don't know why we feel we have to tiptoe around these issues, especially now. No, we didn't know each other well enough to be thinking about anything but a friendship, and I am still in deep pain over Annie, of course. I would not likely have even wanted to consider a new romance with such a short time left.

On the other hand, I suppose it's understandable that we were awkward about this because we were, suddenly in my case, "available." It was stupid of me to fear you would misunderstand. We had become such good friends so quickly that, who knows, maybe I feared something deeper would develop just as quickly. Naturally, I was wary of that, and you should have been too.

We should have been able to simply let our bond of friendship grow and prosper, assuming nothing would have come of it. What I especially appreciate about you, Hannah, is how much you love God. It seems everything you do-how nice you are to people, what a servant attitude you have, your cheerfulness and encouragement during such dark, dark times-well, that is clear evidence of the work of Christ in you. You are an example to me and to anyone else who pays attention.

You're also right that there is likely no need for medical personnel here, and you're certainly not an Israeli. :-) You know, despite being ethnically Jewish, I am not purely an Israeli either, though I have distant roots here. Regardless, it's almost certain we won't see each other again until heaven or the Millennial Kingdom. That alone should have made me invest the time in a proper farewell, and if you would allow it, I'd like to try to make up for that by phone.


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