Conversations With the Crow by Gregory Douglas
Author:Gregory Douglas [Douglas, Gregory]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780991175208
Publisher: Basilisk Press
Published: 2013-11-05T05:00:00+00:00
Concluded at 11:35 AM CST
Conversation No. 65
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 1997
Commenced: 9:05 AM CST
Concluded: 9:42 AM CST
RTC: Why, Gregory, so soon after our last conversation? We’ll have to be careful or Emily might get jealous. Do you have something new for me to chew on?
GD: No, I’ve been working on the latest Mueller book and I’m about worked out for the rest of the day. Writing is not hard, Robert, but the research is a killer. Still, if you don’t want the rat-faced gits in your old agency or Wolfe’s decaying Hebrews braying at you like a barn full of donkeys in a fire, you have to dot every “i” and cross every “t”. Not that these chinless wonders are capable of finding errors, but eventually someone might and then the jackass chorus begins. No, Corson told me my strong suit was my research and my stronger one was taking the results of it and making it readable without being a pompous, opinionated university pedant. When I worked for Army Intelligence years ago, I was well-known for my research. Of course, the whole office hated me.
RTC: And why so?
GD: Actually, because I worked on my material until I had finished, even if I had to spend the night in the office. I was known to have slept on my desk and subsisted on coffee. But the work got done and, most important, it got done right. And I never tried to shove my own views down anyone’s throat. I liked then, as I like now, to present both sides of an issue, clearly and without passion, letting the reader make up its own mind.
RTC: Very, very rare, talent, Gregory. Bill commented on this once and I would have to agree. Well, who do you work for now? This seems to be in your blood.
GD: Myself. I am a wonderful boss, Robert, really inspired and so kind to myself.
RTC: Do you treat yourself well at Christmas?
GD: Oh yes, Christmas. I haven’t had a Christmas card for years and not a present from anyone. It’s just another day for me and quieter than most.
RTC: I would invite you to have Christmas with us, but my son would be unhappy.
GD: Well, thank you for the thought.
RTC: And how is the Mueller book coming?
GD: Fine, and the blow-flies from your former agency are starting to buzz around again. Let’s see how much I can clip them for this time.
RTC: Well, I suppose if they can’t be more creative, they have to pay the price.
GD: No, they would never come right out and try to communicate with me. Why, the Gods do not deign to descend to earth to speak with mere mortals. And they pay the price, too. After all, they don’t care how much of the taxpayer’s money ends up in my pocket. What about the fool returning to his own folly? Or the dog to his own vomit? At least they don’t descend to the petty and sadistic harassments that we find in the local police.
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