At The End Of All Things by SnuggleKitten69

At The End Of All Things by SnuggleKitten69

Language: eng
Format: mobi
Tags: Hermione G., Harry Potter, In-Progress, Harry P., Padma P., Luna L., FanFiction
Published: 2012-12-18T05:58:15+00:00

15. Predation


I had indicated in my previous notes that this chapter would include Hermione awakening. My apologies, but this chapter does not include her return, but I swear to you, Gentle Reader, the very next chapter after this, Hermione receives her dose of restorative draught.

I would like to thank many of you for your kind reviews and special thanks to those who left constructive criticism.

A specific thanks to Mr Norrell, who provided some insight concerning the loss of the horcrux and the possible loss of the powers Harry has/had because of it.

Very special thanks goes to Aealket, whose efforts have made all of my stories more readable, balanced, and believable. Not to mention his gentle reminder that sleep is my friend. If you have not done so, please go and read his most-excellent stories.

To Alexia, Clarisse, Madison, Isabelle, and Jasmine, you are as close to daughters to me as I can imagine. I have watched over the years as all of you have grown from knobby-kneed little girls into the wonderful, beautiful young women you have become. I am proud of all of you, My Darlings.

Last, but most certainly not least, I dedicate this, and all of my other endeavours, to Claire and Anni. You hold my very heart and soul. Mere words can never communicate to the two of you the love I feel for you both.


At The End Of All Things – Predation


Minerva had been at Hogwarts since shortly after graduating, and while she had known some professors of questionable repute, she had to consider the fact that a Lord of an ancient and noble house had told her Lockhart could not be trusted with the safety of students, and that he was actively harming them, disguising his crimes using abhorrent methods.

Although it was within her responsibility as Deputy Headmistress to follow up on such allegations, even if they were true, she was not empowered to metre out punishments. That was the responsibility of the Board of Governors and the Wizengamot.

As Lockhart had never attended Hogwarts as a student, his family not having the means to pay for his tuition, she had no idea what his character was like outside of the charming, though incompetent, rogue he portrayed.

Since it was Thursday afternoon and she had no classes to teach, she decided to change into her animagus form and secret herself within the DADA classroom to listen in on the fourth-year Slytherin/Gryffindor class and the third year Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw class.

She was somewhat surprised when the dandy assigned a detention to a Gryffindor girl sitting in the front row, who seemed to be hanging on to his every word. The same thing happened again to a pair of Hufflepuff girls.

Oddly enough, the Gryffindor and one of the Hufflepuff girls were from well-respected, pureblood families whose fathers had been killed, while the other girl was muggleborn. And yet, when the Weasley twins complained about the unfairness of the detention, Lockhart assigned them a detention with Argus.

Regardless of whether Lord Potter's claim was true, Minerva would be spending her time watching some detentions.


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