A Different Kind of Brave by Lee Wind

A Different Kind of Brave by Lee Wind

Author:Lee Wind
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Chicago Review Press
Published: 2024-03-15T00:00:00+00:00


The fourth time Sam “wandered by” the Azul Adventures cabana between the pool and the beach, Warren was there.

“Hey.” Sam walked up, trying not to overthink the magical penis swagger.

Warren was whispering with another hotel employee, the one who’d driven Sam in. She gave him a sympathetic hug, saying “We’ll talk more later,” and then left with a stack of towels.

Warren shook off whatever it was and put his focus all on Sam. “James!”

He remembers me! Sam felt a thrill, and then a hesitation that Warren remembered him as James.

But it reminded Sam that he had to be a different person. He picked up the laminated menu of Azul Adventures, pretending to study it but really watching Warren in his peripheral vision as he came toward him.

“What do you recommend?” Sam asked.

Warren shrugged, and Sam watched his chest muscles move under the snug Club Azul polo, light green with blue piping. “You said you like adventure, but it depends on you. Man-made loud and fast—jet ski. Nature-made loud and exhilarating—the waterfall zip line hike.”

Sam tried not to stare. “Is there a jump? At the waterfall?” The image of Brosnan-Bond bungee jumping off a 750-foot dam in the opening to GoldenEye flashed through his mind. He wouldn’t mind a chance to feel like Bond.

Warren leaned on other side of the counter, face just two feet from his own. Was he flirting? “Thirty feet, off the third zip line. It’s awesome.”

Thirty feet wasn’t 750, but even Bond had to start somewhere. Sam leaned in a little too.

“I’ve got some shots from the last tour.” Warren used the mouse to scroll through photos on the computer screen set up at the end of the counter. Stills of tourists hiking past huge foliage, wearing bright orange zip line harnesses, climbing steps carved into some hillside, and then of falling water flashed by, but Sam had already decided he’d see it all in person. So he used the time to drink in Warren’s features as Warren’s attention was on the screen, almost like his dad did before he drew something. Sam would love to draw Warren. Not that he drew. But he could always start!

“It’s about an hour hike, and by the time we reach the waterfall, you’ve earned it. I’m leading that adventure this afternoon at 4:30, if you want to come.”

Sam managed to not shout ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY! He told himself to be cool. To be James. So he just gave a single nod. “Sign me up.”

“Room?” Warren asked, clicking to a registration screen.

“It’s the turquoise suite.”

“Azul Turquesa?” Warren said, his Spanish accent sounding flawless to Sam. “Will the rest of your party be coming too?”

Sam pushed down the swell of emotions—No. He wasn’t going to give into them. He was James fucking Bond, and like his dad said, this was his vacation… He forced a casual shrug. “Party’s just me. Parents bailed at the last minute.”

“You’ll enjoy it, the Azul Turquesa,” Warren said. “It’s big. Lots of space. Beautiful.”

“Yeah,” Sam kind of breathed, thinking, He’s beautiful.


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