A Chance Encounter by Lora Thomas

A Chance Encounter by Lora Thomas

Author:Lora Thomas [Thomas, Lora]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-12-01T05:00:00+00:00

Madelena jumped when she heard the keys rattle in the lock on her door. She didn’t know why she did. She had been expecting Sandra for some time now. Apprehension perhaps? Whatever the reason, knots formed in the deepest pit of Madelena’s stomach. Today was the day she had been dreading for the past four days, and she had tried to mentally prepare herself for the humiliation. She had thought about applying several layers of clothing to delay what was to come; however, it would only delay the inevitable. So she kept the dirty, ragged brown dress on along with the shawl. To aid in her appearance, she did smudge a bit of soot upon her cheek from the residue of the candle wick and spat a bit of chewed up fruit onto her bodice all in order to repulse the midwife in hopes she would report it to Drakos.

The palms of her hands grew sweaty. She was thankful now that she had opted to remain in the chair by the window because her legs trembled so as she watched the door open.

Sandra stood in the doorway, that menacing scowl pulling her ugly features down. Her fingers were fisted around the key as heat flashed from her eyes.

“I have just received word from Signore Drakos.”

Madelena could feel the bottom fall out of her stomach, and she swallowed hard.

“It appears that his midwife will not arrive today as we expected. Signore Drakos will arrive sometime next week along with the midwife. Once the purity check is completed, you will wed that day.”

A combination of emotions flooded Madelena. Hope and excitement. Terror and dread. Happiness and sorrow.

Sandra continued, “You will remain locked in this dingy little room until that time.”

“What of the dinner tonight—”

“You will not attend! I forbid it!”

“You promised Signore St. John. If he arrives and I am not here, he will leave.”

“He will do no such thing! If he values his company’s placement in Rome, he will stay, and before the end of next week, he will propose to one of my girls.”

A glint of maliciousness came to Madelena. “What if he proposes to me?”

“I have made certain that he is aware of your circumstances. He would not dare.”

“How do you know? I may ‘charm’ my way into his favor just like you claim I have done to every other suitor that has come to visit.”

“He is a gentleman. Gentlemen would never take advantage of another man’s fiancée and especially a little tart like you.”

Madelena so desperately wanted to scream that she had spent the night in Oliver’s bed. Wanted to shout how he had taken her virginity and caused her to cry out in pleasure. Yet, if she did, it would only cause hardship for him, and she would not do that.

“That may be. But he will expect me. And imagine what Papa would say should he know that you promised my presence and lied regarding my absence.”

“I could care less about what your father thinks. He is a man that I used for my own gain.


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