epub |eng | 2019-06-22 | Author:Christa Yelich-Koth [Yelich-Koth, Christa]

Chapter 19 After the weekend, Bekk found himself feeling jumpy. He knew he couldn’t have broken Vic’s computer, but he still felt somehow responsible. Maybe because he’d inspired Iyah as ...
( Category: Contemporary July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2017-09-19 | Author:Juan Villoro

‌The Pirate Book Although this story took place many years ago now, I haven’t forgotten the sound that shook Uncle Tito’s house the next day. It was something as strange ...
( Category: Contemporary July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-02 | Author:June CL Tan

24 Rui Rui removed her lanyard and surrendered her security pass to the receptionist. “I hope you had an enriching time at our headquarters today, Cadet Lin.” The receptionist smiled ...
( Category: Contemporary May 26,2024 )
epub |eng | 2021-10-18 | Author:Sonja F. Blanco [Blanco, Sonja F.]

Violet wasted no time in pushing Sara’s physical capabilities. Most of the day they ran through the forest, around the soul trees, beside the protective stone wall, and along the ...
( Category: Contemporary May 26,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-01-05 | Author:Kelly Andrew [Andrew, Kelly]

The following morning, there was no sun at all. The sky sat gray and bloated atop the hills, blanketing the whole of Willow Heath in a pea-soup shroud. Inside the ...
( Category: Contemporary May 7,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-16 | Author:Nevin Holness

* * * The three of them dropped underneath the window to wait, the brick cool against Eli’s back. Inside, Eli could just about make out the sounds of figures ...
( Category: Contemporary May 4,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-03-05 | Author:Holly Black [BLACK, HOLLY]

As afternoon moves toward night, Tiernan finally wakes. Once he understands what happened, he’s furious with Oak and Hyacinthe both. “You shouldn’t have gone after me,” he tells Hyacinthe, then ...
( Category: Contemporary April 6,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-02-06 | Author:Giselle Vriesen

* * * WHEN WE REACH the wide tent on the outskirts of camp, I recognize the two giant women sitting at the fire beside it as those we first ...
( Category: Contemporary April 3,2024 )
epub, mobi |eng | | Author:Holly Black

As afternoon moves toward night, Tiernan finally wakes. Once he understands what happened, he’s furious with Oak and Hyacinthe both. “You shouldn’t have gone after me,” he tells Hyacinthe, then ...
( Category: Contemporary March 28,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-01-18 | Author:Astrid Scholte

Narena stared at the words as though they were written in another language. Maretta was dead. What did she mean about ‘the other side of the veil’? It didn’t make ...
( Category: Contemporary March 25,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Anna-Marie McLemore [McLemore, Anna-Marie]

bay of billows They had never hit each other before, not once. Miel hadn’t hit him when he reached out to touch a baby rattlesnake they found twirling through the ...
( Category: Contemporary February 28,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Melissa Albert

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE I DIDN’T TALK MUCH DURING dinner. Usually my mom was chatty and pleased when she had both her daughters at the table, but tonight she was quiet, too. ...
( Category: Contemporary February 20,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-07-12 | Author:C.R. Rice

Chapter Fifteen They were there. All of them. Radnar wasn’t sure what surprised him more—that his friends were there or that his eyes were burning with such ferocity he feared ...
( Category: Contemporary February 7,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-01-15 | Author:Katherine Harbour

Mother Night and Father Silence waited for La Fable Sombre in a splendid pavilion of gold and scarlet lit by hanging lamps of azure and topaz glass. Mother Night, in ...
( Category: Contemporary January 31,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-08-30 | Author:Hal Schrieve

I wondered if the bullet was somewhere in the dirt, but I didn’t look. I thought about her eyes and her tongue and got a flash of fire in my ...
( Category: Contemporary January 30,2024 )