The Sandman Stories by Koos Verkaik

The Sandman Stories by Koos Verkaik

Author:Koos Verkaik
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Pharos Books

A Special Home for the Sandman

Pitch black clouds gathered above the Grey Sea. Flashes of lightning lit the sky, followed by rolling thunder. A growing storm battered the waves against the dunes. Then a rain shower broke out that seemed like it would never stop again….

O, yes, this was heavy weather!

The raging water carved big holes in the dunes and pulled the sand back into the sea. The cloud cover grew thicker and thicker until there was no difference between day and night—it remained dark all the time. Never before had that much rain had come down.

On the other side of the dunes circumstances were not much better. The holes of the rabbits ran full of water. The old badger’s burrow, wherein the Sandman lived, was wet, and the tunnels and rooms almost caved in! The Sandman had tried to bring his magic sand, with which he could bring humans and animals into sleep by blowing it into their eyes, into safety, but he hadn’t succeeded. A gunnysack full of this special sand had become so wet that he couldn’t use it anymore.

Putter, the old fox who lived in the Sandman’s burrow, stood with his paws in a pool of water and stared out sadly in front of him. The Sandman pulled his tail and warned him to follow him as quick as possible. Together they ran outside through the tunnel.

Just in time. The old badger’s burrow caved in.

High up in the tree under which the burrow was made, sat Snip the Squirrel, shivering under the leaking roof of foliage. Pop the Rabbit pushed himself against the trunk of the tree. His fur was soaked.

“Well, here we are,” sighed the Sandman. “The four of us in the pouring rain! Putter the Fox, Snip the Squirrel, Pop the Rabbit, and I …the magic gnome! What are we supposed to do now? To be honest, I have no idea!”

“But you’re able to work some magic, aren’t you?” muttered the old fox, who seemed to be in a bad mood once again. “Conjure up some sunshine, Sandman, before I explode with anger—I’m fed up with all this storm and rain!”

“I think you’ll have to explode then,” sighed the Sandman. “There’s a lot I am able to, old fox, but I don’t have so much magic power that I can drive the clouds away. We must be patient. Sooner or later the weather will change. Everyone knows it: after rain comes sunshine!”

“O, no!” grumbled the fox, as he rolled up and hid his nose in his wet tail. “I don’t like this at all….”

The rabbit remained leaning against the tree trunk in silence. The squirrel didn’t move an inch on his high branch.

But the Sandman wasn’t intending to give up. He was used to walking in the frost through thick layers of snow to villages and towns, where people who suffered from sleeplessness needed him. He wasn’t going to let himself be stopped by a little storm and rain. He walked away from the tree.


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