Strumming My Pain by B. Love

Strumming My Pain by B. Love

Author:B. Love [Love, B.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Prolific Pen Pusher
Published: 2020-07-01T18:30:00+00:00


Six Weeks Later

It was a mixture of things that kept Elise from paying attention to where she was going. One, she’d just left the doctor’s office and found out she was pregnant. Two, she’d just left the doctor’s office and found out she was pregnant with Quan’s baby. Three, she’d just left the doctor’s office and found out she was pregnant with Quan’s baby, and he was dead. Four, she’d just left the doctor’s office and found out she was pregnant with Quan’s baby, and he was dead… while she was apart from her family, in a completely different state while under witness protection.

Elise was so distraught she wasn’t fully present as she walked down the hall. Her head was low, teary, blurred eyes on the carpeted floor. By the time they took in a pair of cowboy boots, it was too late—she’d bumped into Izeah and caused the disposable aluminum pan of food he was carrying to cover his shirt.

“Oh my God,” she shrieked. “I’m so sorry, Zay. I didn’t see you.”

“How could you?” He bent down to start putting the food back in the pan. “You weren’t looking up.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I can fix you something to eat.”

Izeah’s hands stopped moving, and he looked at her. Avoiding his eyes, Elise continued to hurriedly pick the food up from the floor.


Closing her eyes, she inhaled a deep breath as her nostrils flared.

“Look at me.”

As Elise licked her lips, she slowly looked into his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”


“You’ve clearly been crying, and you were so distracted you didn’t even see me. If you don’t want to tell me, say that, but don’t lie to me.”

She ran the palm of her hand over her eyes with a sigh. “Do you want me to fix you something to eat or not?”

“Nah. I have more upstairs. I was bringing this down to Edward.”

“Shit. He’s gonna kill me.”

Izeah chuckled as he stood and helped Elise to her feet. Edward was the front-desk manager, and he didn’t play about his food.

“I’ll tell him I accidentally dropped it. It’s honestly not enough for me to make him a second helping.”

Feeling even worse, Elise shook her head and took his hand into hers. “Just give him whatever you have left, and I’ll make you something fresh. I don’t want me not paying attention to make him have to wait even longer for something to eat.”

Izeah’s head tilted as he asked, “You sure?”

“I’m positive.”

Well, she was positive that she wanted to make this right, but she wasn’t sure if she was even capable of preparing a meal right now. Maybe this was the distraction she needed. The last thing she wanted to do was be alone with her thoughts and the fact that Quan’s baby was growing inside of her. When she told him to cum inside of her, it was what she wanted in that moment, but those words certainly wouldn’t have come out of her mouth if she knew he’d be leaving her that soon.

“Okay. I’ll be up soon.


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