Stepping Out in Faith by Hudson Lin

Stepping Out in Faith by Hudson Lin

Author:Hudson Lin [Lin, Hudson]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781999381202
Publisher: Yellow Lantern Press

Back at Marcus’ apartment, the pristinely made bed called out to Andy and reminded him of all the scintillating experiences Marcus had introduced him to. Andy blinked as the memories sent a blush across his cheeks and ignited a roiling heat in the pit of his stomach.

“Here.” Marcus handed him a tumbler with amber liquid. Their hands brushed, and the contact sent tendrils of fire up his arm and across his body.

They stood close in the middle of the apartment, close enough for Andy to breathe in Marcus’ scent, to feel the heat of Marcus’ body. Andy’s breathing quickened at the tension building between them.

Andy lifted his eyes that one-inch difference in height between them; it wasn’t much of a difference, but Andy still felt so much smaller than Marcus. His heart skipped a beat at the strength Marcus exuded; it was solid and dependable, a rock when Andy’s life felt so unstable. He desperately wanted to cling to that rock and never let go. His soul yearned for that safe place that he’d only found with Marcus, that place where he forgot his burdens and could just be.

Marcus’ ran his thumb across Andy’s cheek. He turned into Marcus’ palm and closed his eyes to savor the contact.

“Beautiful,” Marcus whispered.

Andy peeked up at those words. He disagreed, but gave Marcus a slight smile, anyway.

“Sit for me?”

Andy blinked. “Sit?”

“So I can sketch you,” Marcus explained.

Andy swallowed; his mouth suddenly dry. He’d never sat for anyone before, wasn’t sure how to do it.


Marcus smiled broadly. “Yeah, but only if you want to. You had this look on your face. I want to capture it.”

Andy didn’t know how to respond. His heart tumbled over a few times at how well Marcus could read him. That yearning for Marcus grew stronger until it was a tangible thing in Andy’s chest. There’s no way he could refuse Marcus such a gracious request.

Andy nodded, not trusting his voice.

Marcus’ hand trailed across Andy’s shoulder, down his arm and grasped his hand. The touch left a path of heat, and Andy had to physically suppress a shudder.

“You sit here.” Marcus led Andy over to an armchair. “Make yourself comfortable.”

He sat and folded his hands in his lap.

“That doesn’t look very comfortable.” Marcus laughed. He settled himself in a chair opposite Andy, a sketchpad and pencil in his hand.

“Um . . .” Andy glanced down at himself. Marcus was right, he looked kind of stiff. Shifting in his seat, he slouched down until he could lean his head against the high headrest. He crossed his ankles and tucked them off to the side while propping an elbow on the arm rest.

“That’s better.” Marcus smiled.

Andy watched Marcus work, his eyes flicking back and forth from Andy to his page, his drawing hand moving in sure and confident strokes. His brow furrowed in concentration as he got lost to his work, and a small smile tugged at the corner of Andy’s lips in response.

This was nice, Andy thought. No expectations, no striving to be something.


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