Pirates, Prowlers, and Cherry Pie by Susan Brown

Pirates, Prowlers, and Cherry Pie by Susan Brown

Author:Susan Brown
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: treasure, mystery, adventure, pirates, friendship
Publisher: Yellow Farmhouse Publishing
Published: 2018-11-29T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eleven

Now You See It...

The sunlight sparkled rainbows and green fire from the bracelet's diamonds and emeralds. Fiona dangled it from her fingers, twisting it one way, then another to catch the light.

"Treasure!" Lisa breathed.

Fiona jumped to her feet. "A boat! We've got to get a boat!"

Lisa surged up after her. They tore along the sand, sneakers squelching. When they reached the boathouse. Lisa threw open the doors.


"Where's the boat?" Fiona shrieked.

"Marcus! He's gone fishing."

"What do we do now?"

Lisa leaned against the grey wood wall and ran her fingers through her tangled hair.

"Think!" she commanded herself.

"Can we borrow one?" Fiona asked.

"Yes! Tiffany has a boat!"

They clattered up the steps and crossed the lawn toward the main house. With an astounding leap, Lisa jumped the railing.

"Lisa!" Aunt Irene's mouth hung open in surprise. The person on the other end of the phone kept right on talking.

"Are you all right?" her mother demanded. "Did you have an accident?"

"No, Mom! Everything’s fine."

Aunt Irene frowned, but put the phone back to her ear. "...I couldn't agree more. You'd think that boy would confess...No, I'm sure they'll find your emerald bracelet. It's so distinctive..."

Lisa stiffened. Fiona swallowed and slid her hand into her pocket. The girls' eyes met in shock.

"...Now don't forget, eight o'clock on Thursday,” Aunt Irene continued. “We're looking forward to seeing you... "

Without speaking the girls went up to their bedroom, closed the door, and ignoring their wet clothes, sat on the window seat.

Fiona took the bracelet from her pocket. "It was stolen."

"How could I have been so dense?" Lisa exclaimed. "The pirates left about a hundred years before the pier was built..."

She stopped and stared at her cousin. "Fiona, how did you find me?"

Fiona looked down. She'd gone too far – way too far. The whole revenge idea was stupid, stupid, stupid.

She took a deep breath. "I made the treasure map and planted it in that book – payback for being so rotten to me."

"A trick!"

"Which you fell for!"

"I can't believe you!" Lisa jumped up. "I knew it would be like this when you came."

"What's the matter, Lisa," retorted Fiona. "Can't you take a joke? Like when you made me feel I was part of the gang, then dumped me on the beach without even a flashlight!"

"Oh, shut up!" Lisa threw herself on the bed. "Now, what am I going to do...?"

"Who cares!" Unable to sit still, Fiona paced the room then stopped in front of the window. Out on the passage she could just make out Marcus slamming the boat across the waves.

In the far regions of the house the phone rang. A moment later there was a knock on the door.

"Telephone for you, Fiona," Mrs. Glee told her. “On the house line.”

Giving Lisa a furious look on her way out, Fiona went downstairs to the kitchen.


"Hi sweetie," a thin tired voice answered.

"Mom!" Fiona squealed. "Mom, how are you."

"I'm good, baby. A little shaky. How about you? Are you okay?"

Fiona didn't even hesitate. "Yeah, I'm great."

"Oh, good. I had a bad dream about you.


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