Over the River & Through the Wood (The House of Graves Book 2) by M.M. Crumley

Over the River & Through the Wood (The House of Graves Book 2) by M.M. Crumley

Author:M.M. Crumley [Crumley, M.M.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Lone Ghost Publishing
Published: 2023-09-22T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 13

The crowd reacted very differently when Ollie stepped into the ring this time.

"Ollie! Ollie! Ollie!" they started cheering, the imps louder than anyone else.

She turned in a circle, waving at the spectators, playing the game because she knew it was important. She was here to fight, not to perform, not to entertain, but to get the need out of her system.

For more than twenty years, she had been constantly moving, constantly killing, constantly fighting to get her way out of whatever mess she'd been thrown in to. She wasn't cut out for the domestic life. She didn't like staying still. She needed movement, challenge; she needed the thrill of the fight.

The serpent shifter walked out to the middle of the ring and held up his hands for silence. The noise died down, and he said loudly, "Our returning champion tonight is Ollie Swan, the lady tiger! She will be fighting one of our fiercest fighters, the Blistering Minotaur!"

The crowd went absolutely wild, but Ollie was through paying attention to them. She was waiting for her opponent to step into the ring so she could evaluate him.

The curtain across from her suddenly tore, and a four-legged beast galloped through the curtain's tatters and ran around the ring, horns slashing from side to side.

After he'd circled Ollie twice, he came to a halt, reared up onto his hind legs, and flexed his massive muscles.

"I'll grind her into dust!" he yelled.

She let him prance around and posture for the crowd while she took his measure. His rear ankles were skinny for his weight. His front legs were actually his arms, and he used them more like an ape than a bull. He was top-heavy so when he was on two legs, he'd be easy to bowl over. His horns were deadly, but very long. Easy to get inside of. There was a ring looped through his large nose; an easy target during a cage fight. After all, there were no rules.

He was faster than her on four legs but slower on two. He was stronger and bigger and nearly as nimble. Ollie didn't think he was going to be quite as easy to defeat as Goliath.

She glanced at the clock. "Seven minutes," she murmured.

"BEGIN!" the serpent shifter yelled.

The minotaur dropped to all fours and rushed her. Ollie let him come. A few feet away, he dropped his head; and she knew he was going to swipe at her with his horns. She watched his neck muscles, waiting for the telltale signs of movement, and as soon as she saw them, she jumped.

As the horns passed through the air under her feet, she kicked out with one foot. Her foot slammed into his horns, and she pushed off of them, launching herself up onto his neck.

He bellowed angrily and skidded across the floor, trying to stop so he could use his hands to grab her. While he was scrambling, she hooked her arm around the base of his horn and slammed the heel of her palm into his eye.


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