Mastering His Marquise by Viola Morne

Mastering His Marquise by Viola Morne

Author:Viola Morne
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: mystery, victorian, regency, spy novel, victorian era romance, spy action thriller, spy espionage, victorian adventure, cold hearts
Publisher: Blushing Books


Lisette hurried along the road. From her hiding place in the shrubbery of the neighbor’s house, she had seen a horseman thundering past on the road to London. It was Mr. Frost. He must have got there just after she left. She hadn’t wanted to go, but Angeline had insisted, once that pig of a husband of hers had shown up. He wanted to meet his daughter, he’d told Angeline, while her poor face turned white. She had been so sure the marquis had no idea about the child. Then Angeline told her to go the market and thrust a basket at her.

“He won’t talk while you’re here. I have to know what he’s planning.”

Oh, she’d protested. “He won’t do anything with the child here. Please, Lisette. Trust me.”

Well, she did trust her dear girl. She just didn’t trust the marquis, so smooth and oily like the traveling men who sold potions to ignorant crowds. The man was a snake, no matter how noble.

Lisette heard another horse approaching. She was in plain view. Lisette ran down the side of the road, and plunged into a ditch. The horseman rode past. The marquis. She gained the road again and ran back as fast as she could.

She found Angeline huddled in a chair, her face in her hands. She rushed through the door and dropped to her knees beside her. “Are you all right? Did that pig hurt you?”

Angeline dropped her hands. Her eyes were wide with shock and fear. Her poor girl. She would have no peace with her husband back in her life.

“I’m fine.”

She didn’t look fine. Lisette hadn’t seen that look on her face since that night in the convent back in Spain during the war. The night her daughter was born, and she thought the marquis had died. But that man had more lives than a cat.


“She’s sleeping, Lisette. He watched her, but didn’t wake her up. I think he just wanted to scare me.” Angeline wrung her hands. “Why did he have to come back? I wish he had stayed dead. How can I protect her now?” Her neck drooped, so fragile in spite of her courage and spirit.

Lisette dropped her hand, worn with years of work, on her girl’s head. “Courage, ma petite. We shall manage, as we always have. We must, for Neva’s sake.”

Angeline nodded, worn with fatigue and worry.

“What about Mr. Frost?”

Angeline shook her head. “Philippe told him that Neva was our daughter. He pretended we were a happy little family, reunited. The look on Leighton’s face...I think he hates me now. I couldn’t say anything, not with Philippe pulling out his sword and threatening him. I grabbed my pistol and ordered them both out. I don’t think Philippe suspects my feelings for Leighton.”

Lisette smoothed Angeline’s hair back from her brow, furrowed with anxiety. “That is good, ma petite. It gives us time.”

“Time? For what?”

“Time to think of a plan. Don’t worry so, my little cabbage. Lisette will think of something.” In the end, she tucked Angeline into bed.


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