Like a Love Comedy by Aki Morimoto

Like a Love Comedy by Aki Morimoto

Author:Aki Morimoto
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Digital Manga Publishing

A kiss.

A sharp intake of breath. Their mouths parted. Biwa touched his own lips in amazement. Yamato freaking kissed him!

Everybody knew that this kind of thing went on all the time. The casting couch and all. But as he’d never been the target of anybody’s sexual predations, he was caught totally unprepared.

He lost any interest he’d once had for the opposite sex? In other words, he was gay?

“Biwa, why don’t you and I become lovers? And you could teach me English. In bed, of course.”

Sensing another kiss in the offing, Biwa pushed him away. A dejected look came to Yamato’s face. “Playing hard to get, are we? We can’t have any of that, now, can we?”

“I wasn’t playing at anything!” Biwa cried. “I apologize if you took it that way. I definitely don’t share those inclinations. Sorry, but you’ll have to take it somewhere else.”

Yamato’s shoulders were shaking. A burble of mirth spilled from his mouth, grower louder and louder, until he was holding his sides and laughing.

“Man, that’s funny! You looked like you just stuck your finger in a socket!”

Biwa blinked several times. He was completely at sea. What in the world was going on?

“I was only going to ride you a little, but you were such a darling about it, I couldn’t help kissing you. Don’t take it so seriously. It’s like shaking hands over here, right?”

“Not on the lips!” Biwa’s brain finally kicked back into motion. He’d been taken for a ride!

“Oh, is that so? Well, no harm done. Put it down to a learning experience.”

“Just what you’d expect from an actor! All those love scenes you’ve played in must have killed your senses! I don’t kiss anybody I’m not in love with!”

“Does that mean you don’t like me anymore?”

“That’s not the issue!” Biwa raged, turning his back to Yamato. He could kick himself for thinking this guy might have a spark of decency in him.

“Hold on, hold on! It was just a little joke, okay?”

“Shut up! Get away from me!”

“Oh, please! If you dump me, I’ll end up like a little lost child.”

“Don’t be so presumptuous!”

“You’ll cast aside your rival and colleague? That’s cold, man. A single kiss and you blow your stack like that? That wasn’t your first time, was it?”

“No, it wasn’t! And that’s got nothing to do with this!”

He’d had girlfriends in high school and college. Right now, his job took priority over his love life. Even if he met something, he could hardly give them the time a relationship deserved. So he didn’t have a woman in his life. Not that one wouldn’t be welcome—or so he wanted to believe.

No, no, no! This was all completely beside the point!

Even before Yamato had kissed him, his heart had been racing a mile a minute. Definitely because of the stress. It wasn’t the stress of being on the production team. It was the stress since Yamato had shown up.

“C’mon, Biwa. Chin up.”

“The hell you say! I don’t want to have anything to do with


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