Light on Dumyat by Rennie McOwan

Light on Dumyat by Rennie McOwan

Author:Rennie McOwan [Rennie McOwan]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: F
Publisher: SAGA Egmont
Published: 2023-05-02T00:00:00+00:00

Clare put her hand to her mouth. A sharp whistle rang through the trees, now lit by the morning sun.

Over on her right, Mot crawled out from underneath some bushes and looked over. He saw Clare’s arm waving and beckoning.

Mot put his fingers in his mouth. The same whistle – the alarm call of a blackbird – rang out. Michael heard the call when he was halfway up an ash tree. He quickly slid down.

The two boys ran to where Clare was signalling.

“I’ve found him,” she hissed, waving at them to crouch down.

“Where?” asked Mot.

“Beside the rocks, at the beech grove,” said Clare. “I saw him on the path a few minutes ago. Then he hurried into the trees. I lost him after that.”

“We can easily see him there,” said Michael in a disappointed tone. “The trees are wide apart. Where could he hide there?”

“I don’t know,” said Mot, “but let’s go and find out.”

“All right,” said Clare, “but let’s take it slowly. He may be cleverer than we think. It may be a trick to throw us off the scent.”

She began to weave her way through the trees, moving quickly and silently. The two boys trotted behind her, the bows on their backs bobbing up and down as they ran.

They slowed down as the trees thinned out into large glades. Clare dodged behind some bushes. Again, the two boys fell in behind her like obedient dogs.

Ahead of them was a clump of large rocks covered in moss. All around grew huge beech trees, their light green leaves making a roof that blocked out most of the sunlight, letting just small patches of yellow fall on their light grey bark.

Clare shaded her eyes with her hand. “Do you see him?” she asked.

Three pairs of eyes swept the trees and rocks. Mot and Michael shook their heads.

“Let’s crawl to the rocks and see if we can spot him from there,” said Clare.

She began to move slowly forward until she reached the base of the rocks. Then she crawled around the side. Mot and Michael watched silently. Then Clare’s hand appeared round the side of the rock and waved twice.

The boys crawled over the leaves and grass until they too reached the rocks. Clare was crouching in a little gap. There was just room for the three of them. The boys slid silently in beside her.

“Any luck?” whispered Michael.

“Yes,” said Clare. “But keep quiet. I want to see what he’s up to. Besides we don’t want to catch him now. Let’s make a proper job of it and grab him when he’s asleep in his hut.”

“But we don’t know where he’ll sleep,” said Mot.

“Yes, we do,” said Clare. “What do you think he’s doing here? He’s building a hut. Take a look for yourself.” Mot peered over the edge of the rock. Down below, in a clearing in the trees, Gavin was piling branches together.

“What kind of hut is he making?” asked Michael.

“I don’t know,” said Clare in a bored tone. “He’s picked an easy place to be found.


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