He's With Me by Tamara Summers

He's With Me by Tamara Summers

Author:Tamara Summers [Summers, Tamara]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Published: 2012-08-12T18:34:52+00:00

Chapter 8

Lexie spent most of Saturday in a hammock in her backyard, reading library books

while Thorn snoozed on her stomach. Colin shut himself in his room and didn’t

come out until dinnertime, and then he wouldn’t tell her what he’d been doing.

Fine then, Lexie though. You keep your secrets and I’ll keep mine.

Sunday morning at breakfast, her dad announced that he wanted them to

wash the car. Colin groaned and smacked his head onto the table.

“Come on, champ,” Mr. Willis said, clapping his son on the shoulder. “It’ll

be fun, right, Lexie? Oh, you guys might want to wear your bathing suits.”

Lexie giggled. Last time they’d been given this shore, she and Colin had

wound up wetter than the car in the end. He hated it, but she thought it was kind

of fun. Especially when it was hot and sunny outside, like it was that day.

Her dad pulled the car out of the garage into the driveway and got buckets

and sponges while Lexie and Colin changed. Lexie put on her flip-flops and clipped

her hair up out of the way with a large silver butterfly clip. When she went

downstairs, her mother looked disappointed.

“I was hoping I’d finally get to see the bikini I bought for you,” Mrs. Willis


“Sorry, Mom,” Lexie said, feeling guilty. “I figured since I’d be getting

messy, this one was better.” She hurried through the screen door before her

mother could argue with her.

Colin was already inside the car, vacuuming between and under the seats.

Lexie changed the pine0scented tree that hung in the front window, and then she

wiped down all the hard surfaces. As soon as Colin was finished, she ran to get the


“Stand back,” she warned, and he jumped out of the way. Lexie turned on

the hose, and her dog Alanna immediately came running over to throw herself

under the spray.

“Alanna!” Lexie protested, trying to point the hose away. The pug woofed

and chased the water across the driveway, running frantically around the car to

get to it. Lexie started laughing, so she didn’t see the person standing at the

bottom of the driveway until she whirled around and sprayed water all over him.


“Oops!” Lexie shut off the hose immediately, but it was too late. Riley was

thoroughly drenched. And, as he had been the first time she’d seen him, he was

wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, which weren’t likely to dry fast.

“Oh, no! I’m sorry!” Lexie cried. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Dude, you totally soaked me,” Riley said. He didn’t sound happy.

“Who’s he?” Colin asked. Lexie shoved the hose into his hands.

“Wait here,” she called to Riley. She ran inside, grabbed a towel from the

linen closet, and ran back out. By then Riley had pulled off his dripping shirt and

wringing it out.

“Here,” she said, handing him the towel. “I’m really sorry. What are you

doing here?”

“I thought I’d stop by and say hey,” Riley said, rubbing his hair with the

towel. “I didn’t know your driveway was a water hazard.”

“How’d you know where I live?” she asked.

“It wasn’t hard to figure out,” he said. He kicked off his sneakers, pulled off

his socks, and dried his feet.


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