Delicious by Adrianne Lee

Delicious by Adrianne Lee

Author:Adrianne Lee
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Published: 2014-06-24T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Nine

The smell. Sweet. Spicy. Tantalizing.

It hit Nick every time he walked into Big Sky Pie, a smack to the olfactory senses that could knock out whatever bothered a man and infuse him with a feeling of arriving at a safe haven. A reinforcement of the old adage about the way to a man’s heart being through his stomach. His taste buds watered in anticipation.

Until his gaze collided with Jane’s, then his gut did a slow roll, and his mouth went drier than the Mojave. When had just looking at her started to take his breath away? And how did he make it stop? She was the last woman he wanted to be attracted to. They didn’t even like each other. They didn’t share the same goals. He was not going to get involved with another woman who was all wrong for him. Oh, why had he slept with her? It shouldn’t have happened. Now he couldn’t look at her without wanting to do it again, and again. He couldn’t get her out of his head.

He wasn’t sure how she would react when she saw him, but her expression made him regret whatever impulse had thought it was a good idea to return her slipper to her at the pie shop. Man, what was he thinking? Why hadn’t he at least put it into a shopping bag? Presenting one fuzzy pink bunny slipper to her was bound to demand an explanation to her coworkers, which in turn would embarrass Jane and put him at the top of her shit list.

If he wasn’t there already.

He tried tucking it behind him, but it was too late. She’d already seen it, her beautiful eyes narrowing as if to convey he was lucky there were no lethal weapons at hand—although she might choose to stab him with one of the dessert forks on the table. “Jane, could you come outside for a minute?”

The shop was so quiet that he hadn’t realized they weren’t alone, until Andrea peeked out of the end booth, and then a white-haired stranger did the same. A second later, Nick realized he knew this stranger. “Dean Gardener, hey, how are you?”

“Fine, Nick. Couldn’t be better.” Dean rose from the booth, hand extended for a shake. And Nick accommodated, the reflex automatic, but instead of taking his hand, Dean chuckled. “What the hell is that?”

Nick had extended the hand holding the fuzzy pink bunny slipper. The collar of his shirt felt buttoned tight and two sizes too small. He switched the slipper to his empty hand and shook with Dean. “It’s nothing. Forgot I was holding it.”

“Thought maybe it was a new camera cover,” Dean teased.

Nick laughed, pretending not to see the unspoken questions in Andrea’s and Betty’s eyes, pretending not to hear the slight choking sound Jane made behind him. What exactly had he stumbled into anyway? He took in the brochures, recalled the pie samples and dessert plates and forks on Jane’s table, and it dawned on him. He’d just barreled through a catering meeting.


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