Angular and Machine Learning by Pocket Primer
Author:Pocket Primer
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub, pdf
ISBN: 9781683924708
Publisher: Mercury Learning and Information
Published: 2020-08-15T04:00:00+00:00
LISTING 3.20 rand20.csv
// details omitted for brevity
Figure 3.3 displays the output from launching the Angular application in this section.
FIGURE 3.3 A Line Graph from a List of Numbers
This chapter showed you how to create Angular applications with HTML5 Forms as well as Forms that contain Angular Controls and FormGroups. You also saw how to save form-based data in local storage. Next, you learned about Angular Pipes, along with an example that showed you how to implement this functionality.
You also learned about Angular Services and an example that illustrated how to use Services. Next, you saw an example of the http() method (which returns an Observable) of the Http class to retrieve data for any GitHub user and display portions of that data in a list of users. Finally, you saw how to read a CSV file with numeric data that was used to generate and display an SVG line graph.
Angular and Machine Learning by Pocket Primer.epub
Angular and Machine Learning by Pocket Primer.pdf
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