The Middang3ard Complete Boxed Set: A Portal GameLit Fantasy by Ramy Vance & Michael Anderle

The Middang3ard Complete Boxed Set: A Portal GameLit Fantasy by Ramy Vance & Michael Anderle

Author:Ramy Vance & Michael Anderle [Vance, Ramy]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: LMBPN Publishing
Published: 2020-03-27T22:00:00+00:00

Chapter Thirteen

It took the Mundanes and the Horsemen nearly an hour to clear up all the bodies. They mostly worked in silence. It was easier than talking. Suzuki had noticed that he often needed some decompression time after a fight of that magnitude. The fear of dying and the rush of life wasn’t something that he could easily put into words. Sometimes it felt good just to rest with the knowledge of his own mortality. That, and he never really felt like much of a conversationalist when he was picking up decapitated heads.

Suzuki was methodically looking through the grimpon corpses for something specific.

The king.

It took him a bit longer than he had hoped: the dead all seemed to blend together. He did eventually find the king, and he propped up the grotesque, cave-dwelling creature to take a good look in his eyes. Both sets. When Suzuki was satisfied, he chopped the head off and returned to the fire the two parties had slowly gathered around, leaving the other pyre of bodies to burn unwatched.

José and Diana were sitting together and talking quietly. Beth was still tending to the bodies. Sandy and Stew were sleeping together, their backs leaning on each other’s, both of them snoring loudly. Chip sat across from them, staring into the fire, her bad eye still hanging out of her skull, staring down at her missing arm. She sighed and kicked at the fire.

Suzuki came and sat next to Chip, placing the grimpon king’s head next to her. Chip looked up from the fire, her bad eye flashing bright blue. Her other hand had returned to normal and she picked up the grimpon king’s head, staring into its dead, cataract eyes. “Now that’s a nice souvenir,” she murmured. “You planning on keeping it? Would make a proper ashtray. Speaking of that, you don’t smoke, do you?”

Suzuki shook his head.

“Damn it,” Chip said as she tried to get to her feet. Suzuki could hear the gears beneath her body grinding. Something sputtered, and she sighed and sat back down. “Be a sweetheart and go get me a cig from José, would you?”

Suzuki nodded and went to José. “Chip wants to know if you have any smokes?” Suzuki asked.

José reached under his armor and pulled out a small wooden cigarette case. He handed it to Suzuki and leaned in close so that only Suzuki could hear him. “How’s she doing?”

“I don’t know. How the hell can you tell? I mean, what is she?”

“No fucking clue.” José sighed. “We found her batshit out of her mind in the woods years ago. She’s been with me ever since. Never seen her get this trashed before.”

“Does she need replacement parts or something?”

“Don’t know. She keeps what she does to herself. Never seen her lose an arm before.”

Suzuki thought about walking away and not saying anything. It wasn’t any of his business. Then he turned back to look José in the eyes. “Someone needs to reach out to her. You need to talk to her.


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