Dead Fall by Brad Thor

Dead Fall by Brad Thor

Author:Brad Thor
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Publisher: Atria
Published: 2023-07-25T00:00:00+00:00



Greg Wilson was nervous. The last thing he wanted to do was to speak to the FBI before he had spoken with his handler. Should he have a lawyer present for the interview? Would they believe his story about why he and Burman were having dinner at the yacht club? What if they didn’t? What if they pressed for more information? He needed answers and until he got them, he planned to stay out of D.C. and to give the FBI the widest berth possible.

That’s why his handler had suggested Boston. It was an hour-and-twenty-minute flight for both of them. Halfway between Hancock County–Bar Harbor Airport in Maine and Reagan National in D.C. They settled on Come A Casa, a tiny hole-in-the-wall restaurant off Prince Street in the city’s Little Italy neighborhood, known to locals as the North End.

The handler had suggested that Wilson take the ferry from Logan International Airport across the bay to the Hyatt and catch a cab to a small bookstore a few blocks down from the restaurant.

Upon his recruitment, the former Senator had been taught the basics about tradecraft. It was important that he knew how to move, meet, and communicate without tipping off U.S. Intelligence. While many American politicians weren’t very bright and were about as deep as a puddle, Wilson was different. He showed promise.

But to hear him speak, Wilson believed his value was limited, that he had a very short “shelf life.”

The scandal that had engulfed him had been humiliating. He had been outed for having had multiple extramarital affairs. One had been with his pastor’s wife, another with a porn actress, and the third with a staffer in his Senate office.

All of the relationships had been consensual. None of the women had accused him of forcing himself on them. The one considered the most potentially damaging had been the affair with his staffer and she had gone public claiming that she had pursued him and not vice versa.

The timing of the revelations couldn’t have been worse. They had come, drip, drip, drip—one after another—in the closing days of a bruising primary battle. There was no time to knock them all down, to get his rebuttals properly circulating. His constituents saw him as a liar and a hypocrite.

They had no idea how dirty the laundry was that hung in every congressional office closet on Capitol Hill. Nor were they aware of the forest of skeletons you had to battle through just to get to it.

He wasn’t a “dirty” politician. He was merely a weak man who had succumbed to his passions. Power was the ultimate aphrodisiac and he had been unable to say no to the women who had wanted to bask in it.

He had known it was wrong. He knew he should have shown character and stopped things before they went too far, but he didn’t. The fact that he could have these women was as far as his thought process had gone. Character, and all the other virtues, had left the building.


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