Walk Through The Waste Land by Synopsis of Critical Commentary October 2022

Walk Through The Waste Land by Synopsis of Critical Commentary October 2022

Author:Synopsis of Critical Commentary, October, 2022
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

deep vowels so unfortunately altered by its human referent - an affected inversion – the implication that he is heraldically rampant – derived from 'climbing' and 'claw' – luxuriant growth insidiously and uncontrollably spreading - yet ‘carbuncular’ transfigures the line - the alchemical power of language over inflamed skin - the hoi polloi’s time off from Arnoldian anarchy spent in animalistic copulation

232 'one bold stare' – modifies both 'arrives' and 'clerk', not only describing him at the moment of his arrival but also suggesting the whole contour of his character – arrogance and paltriness – a kind of erection – an alerted, almost military style – a go-to-it – every syllable deployed with a placing moral intelligence – his assurance and “bold” stare, his ego swollen to maximum tumes-cence, his avidity to overwhelm someone weaker than he, suggests his own ultimate fragility -

the clerk a creature who occasionally has an itch that requires scratching 232 “the ‘One bold stare’ of the house-agent's clerk, put back in the bourgeois context where staring is one of the major lapses in manners, does not hold up the mirror to a simple gesture, but illuminates the underlying conditions that make a mere clerk's swagger possible. What is exposed is the "fact" that clerks in general no longer know their place. What we are to make of this fact is pointedly signaled by the disgust that the specifics of the rendering provoke and the social distance generated by the Tiresian foresufferance. . . .” (Cooper) 234 the somewhat disreputable class of Yorkshire businessmen 'with deep pockets and short, stubby fingers', considered at the time to have done remarkably well out of the war 236 a pernickety phrase - the episode a Heideggerian spatialized time that erodes freedom in the subject and uniqueness in the object and thus neutralizes the perceiver's will in boredom - the forgetful and paralyzing time of the circulus vitiosus - "When the imagination is allowed to rule this way it prostrates and anesthetizes the soul, robs it of all moral tensions, and makes of life a dream." (Kierkegaard)

237 prosody is at a formal distance from the clerk's hot, raw, physical energy – the verse washing its hands of his lack of breeding – syntax erases him with the ironically elegant 'endeavours' and

'bestows' – stand-offish diction - the understood pronoun mimes his presumptiveness – he is merely an agent of lust, not an emotional and morally complete person - a touch of swagger – his conceit the sub-text of the mechanical syntax – he does not even merit a pronoun - an Augustan skit, not unlike the clerk's 'one bold stare' in its histrionic and arrogant qualities – an effect of irony given the eighteenth century's studied calm and coherence 238 'unreproved', 'undesired' – formally distant, clinical and abstract expressions that correlate with the prevailing boredom – an effect of fastidious observation and holding at a distance (the versification strongly contributing to this) - language is fiercely antagonistic to life – it


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