Wishing On A Star by Terri Osburn

Wishing On A Star by Terri Osburn

Author:Terri Osburn [Osburn, Terri]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780998524603
Publisher: Macie Rae Publishing
Published: 2019-01-06T16:00:00+00:00


Ash met Millie Friday morning in the production company parking lot off of 18th Avenue. She wore a pressed, if ill-fitting, business suit, and he’d never seen her look so put together. Even her hair was neatly styled.

“Good morning,” she said, her smile wide. “I’m so happy you could make this meeting. I truly wouldn’t have been able to do this on my own.”

She’d have been fine, he was sure. “No problem.”

They proceeded into the building and were greeted by a male receptionist who offered them an assortment of drinks. Ash accepted a bottle of water while Millie passed.

“I’m way too nervous to drink anything,” she whispered as the man returned to his post. “I’ve never been around television people before.”

Ash had participated in a couple of locally televised programs. The first had been for charity, and the other had featured up-and-coming songwriters in town. Neither had put him in the spotlight, which was why he’d participated at all, but watching the behind-the-scenes action had been interesting.

“You’ll be fine,” he assured her. “All we have to do is listen to what they have to say.”

“Yes,” she agreed, nodding vigorously. “I can do that. But what if they want the children to wear fancy outfits? Their parents can barely afford food. I can’t ask them to spend money like that.”

That was a problem he hadn’t considered. “If they want fancy, they’ll have to pay for it. If that isn’t an option, then they’ll have to be happy with whatever the kids can put together.”

“We did black pants and white shirts for the recital last spring. Maybe that will work.” Millie squirmed on the edge of her seat. “I’m sure the center could pitch in for some sort of Christmas-y accessories. Red ties for the boys and pretty bows for the girls.”

“That’s a good idea.” Ash could already hear the boys moaning about having to wear ties, but there was no need to burst Millie’s bubble right now.

“Ms. Hopewell, Mr. Shepherd, they’re ready for you now.”

The receptionist led them into the bowels of the office, which was quieter than Ash would expect. Then again, this was the executive floor. Most activity likely took place on the lower levels. They were seated in a conference room twice the size of the one at Shooting Stars and waited several minutes before the producers joined them. The moment the suits walked into the room, Millie stopped squirming.

“Thank you again for taking the time to meet with us, Ms. Hopewell. I’m Jacob Holmes and this is Melissa Darby, who spoke to you on the phone last week.”

“I remember, yes. It’s nice to meet you both. And this is Ash Shepherd, our music director at Sunshine Academy.”

“So you’re the source of the children’s talent,” said Ms. Darby.

Ash shook his head. “The talent is all theirs. I just help them learn how to use it.” Curious, he asked, “How did you hear about the academy?”

“Samantha Walters raved about your group. She saw them perform last spring through her connection with the Kids & The Arts charity.


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