The Summoning by Brunton Shantel & Stone Alice & Huntley Jessica & Everend H. & Knott Dr. Stuart

The Summoning by Brunton Shantel & Stone Alice & Huntley Jessica & Everend H. & Knott Dr. Stuart

Author:Brunton, Shantel & Stone, Alice & Huntley, Jessica & Everend, H. & Knott, Dr. Stuart
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2022-02-11T00:00:00+00:00

4. Rhiannon Takes a Smoke Break

Rhiannon was ashamed to say that she had barely made any progress on her writing at all. She’d spent the entirety of Tuesday night awake and flinching at every sound and scuffle that appeared, convinced that Mr. LaVey would creep into her room while she slept and…do things to her. It was preposterous, of course, but her mind continued to create complex and seemingly very real versions of events, none of which made any sense to her. At one point during the night, she thought she heard her ex-husband calling her name through the walls.

​Writing was the last thing she really wanted to be doing now. What she really needed at this precise moment was a strong drink and a cigarette. She hadn’t taken a puff since before she’d arrived, and her addiction was slowly starting to creep over her like a dark shadow. She needed a smoke…and she needed a drink, then maybe she’d be able to write. However, when she stepped foot outside the relative safety of her room, she was filled with anxiety and felt her heart doing palpitations.

​She took a deep breath and held it as she peered into the hallway, scanning the area with all her senses for signs of life. There were none. The house was eerily quiet, something that didn’t exactly fill her with confidence either.

​With her cigarettes and a lighter in hand, she donned her rain jacket and practically jogged along the corridor and down the stairs to the main hall. She passed by Aster on the way. Rhiannon was tempted to ask Aster if she’d experienced anything weird while being here, but then thought better of it. Not only did the American seem a bit rattled herself, but Rhiannon thought that maybe it was best that she kept her stories of invisible entities and haunted libraries to herself. The last thing she wanted was the other writers getting a whiff of weakness from her.

So, Rhiannon turned her collar up against the cold, found a secluded spot overlooking the grounds, and finally treated herself to the sweet drag of nicotine. On the way back from her smoke break, she made a quick detour to the bar in the hopes of finding a random bottle of something lying around. She was in luck. It appeared that Mr. LaVey liked to showcase his wide array of liquors and spirits, so she grabbed an almost full bottle of whiskey, hid it under her jacket, and then scurried back to her room, feeling like a naughty teenager robbing her father’s alcohol cabinet.

​Upon entering her room, Rhiannon immediately unscrewed the bottle and took a quick drink. The liquid burned, but in a good, soothing way. With her addiction quenched, she sat on the bed, pulled her laptop onto her crossed legs, and clicked on the email from her husband. It was time to face him…then she wouldn’t have to constantly wonder what he’d emailed her about. It was one of those annoying thoughts that buzzed around her head which needed to be eradicated.


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