The Archaeologist and the Spinster (Fernley Family A Regency-era Romance Book 3) by Angela Johnson

The Archaeologist and the Spinster (Fernley Family A Regency-era Romance Book 3) by Angela Johnson

Author:Angela Johnson [Johnson, Angela]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Pemberley Publishing, LLC
Published: 2023-02-07T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eighteen

There were two things in life Adelia had been certain of before entering the drawing room that evening. First, she was stuck in Egypt and would never see her beloved England again unless she took matters into her own hands. Second, she would live out her life as a lonely spinster. But everything had changed in the blink of an eye, and she now sat in stunned silence as her father slowly sipped a glass of brandy with a smug smile upon his face.

She’d received a pauper’s version of what she’d requested from the goddess Hathor, but somehow, she didn’t feel victorious. It had come at the cost of the trust she held for her father. She would never again think of him with kindness. Her request had been for love and belonging. Yes, marriage had been part of the offering she’d made, but it had included acceptance into her father’s life.

“Phineas, I trust you will keep the promise you made, even if it was under duress.”

She didn’t dare look at Mr. Fernley. Certain he must despise both her and her father, she hung her head in shame. If he chose to ignore the handfasting, their reputations would be safe. No one, except her father, Nakia, and Masika, knew about the promises they’d hastily made.

Mr. Fernley stood and paced the room. He ran a hand through his hair as he wore down the carpet. “Lord Huntly,” he said as he stopped pacing and glared at her father. She’d never heard him use the title before, but she agreed the severity of the situation demanded they speak candidly. “I have never been so deceived by anyone in all my life. Your trickery was unnecessary.”

“I disagree. For me to live the life I want, I have to be rid of my duty to Adelia. Therefore, I had to find her a husband. You were the only option.”

Adelia stood up. Her mouth moved but no sound escaped. She shook as the shock of her father’s deception pushed further emotions to the surface.

Her father waved his hand in her direction. “Adelia, sit down. You will cause yourself to be hysterical if you continue to go on this way.”

When she didn’t sit and little squeaks of indignation exited her mouth, her father walked forward and pushed her down by her shoulders. He turned back to Mr. Fernley. “I needed to find a way to return her to England. Naturally, I chose you to perform the task.”

“You could have asked me to take her.”

Adelia closed her eyes as her father spoke. She couldn’t bring herself to accept the shame of the situation. Every word her father spoke ripped at the tiny threads holding her nerves in place. “You had already turned me down. I offered to give my daughter to you as a wife, and you refused.”

The entire situation was worse than Adelia had previously thought. Mr. Fernley had already decided a life with her was not what he wanted. Her dowry hadn’t been enough to tempt him into a match.


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