Searose Cove 1 - Never Say Love by Kasey Eve

Searose Cove 1 - Never Say Love by Kasey Eve

Author:Kasey, Eve [Kasey, Eve]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9798397778442
Amazon: B0C87NP2X2
Publisher: Independently published
Published: 2023-06-18T04:00:00+00:00

Chapter 11

The smell of coffee roused her from sleep.

Bea stirred in Poe’s bed, slow from a heavy sleep that only orgasms and the steadily crashing ocean could bring.

Face down, she cracked an eye. Sunlight filtered in from the wall of windows. The blinds, which he’d closed with a remote the night before, were open again, showing endless blue sky.

Bea’s head surfaced curls first from the mountain of blankets. His soft sheets caressed her bare skin. Turning, she followed her nose to the coffee. To Poe.

He was perched next to her on the bed, mug in hand, sporting flannel pajama pants and a white tee. Smiling. Hot as hell. Hers, if she wanted. He’d made his feelings on the matter abundantly clear.

Very different from her last wake-up with a man, she realized with a jolt.

He set the coffee on the nightstand, where she spied a cast metal starship, and leaned down, lips landing on her exposed shoulder. “Morning, Hops.”

“Morning,” she replied, using her mouth as little as possible so as not to share morning breath.

Poe didn’t seem to care as he lifted her hair out of the way and peppered kisses along her shoulder and arm. Bea sighed happily, unsure what she wanted more: him or coffee.

No, it was him. For months, it had been him. Even through fear, she’d ached for the connection for which humans were built. She’d missed it.

Poe’s soft gaze didn’t waver. Neither did her confidence in choosing to let go and feel this with him. To try.

Bea rolled onto her back and reached up to play with his scruff. The sharp angles and the dip in his chin were like new worlds to be explored. She wondered if the crew of La Rosalita had felt this same giddiness when sailing up the coast.

Smiling, he dropped a shocking, plundering kiss on her lips. Bea squeaked in protest, and Poe chuckled.

“Think I give a damn about morning breath, Hops?”

“Maybe you should.”

He shook his head. “I know how the human body works. Speaking of. Coffee?”

Nodding, Bea sat up and grabbed the mug gratefully, gulping down hot, strong, creamy liquid. “Yum.”

Reaching for his own cup, Poe joined her on the bed. “Doing okay this morning?” he asked. His tone was casual, but the deep creases in his forehead were anything but.

She smiled over her coffee, touched by his concern. The body of evidence amassed over three months all pointed to one conclusion: Poe would take care of her heart.

“Yup. Wish we didn’t have to go to work, though. Why did I pick a work night for our first date?”

Poe’s wicked grin went straight to her lady parts. “We still have a couple hours, right?”

Bea wiggled her legs under the covers. His words. God. “Mm-hm. Got something in mind?”

The glasses move was back. His vulnerability tell. “Well, first, I figured that as a chemist, you’d be interested in a label.”

Surprised, Bea laughed. “Labeling is pretty important in the lab, yes.”

He raised a brow. “And?”

Bea pressed her lips together.

His deep timbre wrapped around her like velvet.


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