Marvel_Avengers_Infinity War_Destiny Arrives by Liza Palmer

Marvel_Avengers_Infinity War_Destiny Arrives by Liza Palmer

Author:Liza Palmer [Palmer, Liza]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: young adult, Fantasy
ISBN: 9781368052375
Goodreads: 44450881
Publisher: Marvel Press
Published: 2019-04-02T00:00:00+00:00

Emotions were running high in the Avengers Headquarters. Tony Stark was missing and presumed off-world, and now Secretary of State Ross was grilling James Rhodes—known also as War Machine—as to the whereabouts of Vision while Bruce Banner looked on.

"Still no word from Vision?'1 Secretary Ross asked, his holographic image flickering in through the comms system.

"Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh," Rhodey answered wearily.

"On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals." Ross was speaking from the comfort of a faraway conference room: bustling with fellow cabinet members and high-ranking officials. "You know they're only crimmals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?" Rhodey had had enough. "My God, Rhodes. Your talent for manipulation rivals my own," Ross spat. "If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here."

"I remember your signature on those papers. Colonel." Ross stood, crossing to get closer to Rhodey, even if just virtually so. A move he hoped would bring home this issue once and for all.

"That's right. And I'm pretty sure I paid for that." Rhodey looked down at his paralyzed legs, another casualty of the Civil War, as people called it. Rhodey was only able to stand because his legs were now powered fully by Tony and Stark Industries.

"You have second thoughts?"

"Not anymore." Rhodey looked straight into Ross's eyes.

Both men turned to see a group of people enter the room, Captam America and Black Widow at the front; bringing up the rear. Vision, being held up by the Scarlet Witch and Falcon. "Mr. Secretary," Cap said to the flickering ranking officer. Ross took his time to reply, walking over closer to fully take in the estranged Captam. "You got some nerve. I'll give you that," Secretary Ross said, taking in the five new arrivals.

"You could use some of that right now," Natasha said coldly. She always stepped in, coming to Steve's aid when the proper response wasn't a respectful or polite one. Secretary Ross gave her a hard look and returned his attention to Cap.

"The world's on fire and you think all is forgiven?" Ross asked Cap pointedly.

"I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So, we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way, we'll fight you, too." Cap was adamant and unwavering. His unflinching pledge unfurled throughout the room. Secretary Ross turned away from Cap and faced Rhodey.

"Arrest them."

"All over it," Rhodey said, unmoving. Except to raise his hand and swipe Ross's flickering hologram out of the Avengers Headquarters once and for all.

"That's the court martial," Rhodey said to Cap. The moment expanded between them, and then Rhodey smiled. "It's great to see you, Cap," he said, making his way to Steve. They shook hands. "You too, Rhodey," Steve said, trying to hide his guilt behind a genume smile of gratitude toward his friend.

"Hey," Rhodey said to Natasha, before pulling her in for a hug. She smiled and wrapped her arms around Rhodey, happy to have at least some of the red in her ledger from the past two years accounted for.


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