How I, A Normal High School Student, Went to Royal Academy and Avoided Being Trapped in Hiatus: Vol 1, A LitRPG Adventure by Kal Griffith

How I, A Normal High School Student, Went to Royal Academy and Avoided Being Trapped in Hiatus: Vol 1, A LitRPG Adventure by Kal Griffith

Author:Kal Griffith [Griffith , Kal]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2023-05-20T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 16

//Scene 1: Following the conclusion of the tournament, classes resume! Some students are excited, having won glory for their nation! Other students are more subdued, knowing that they’ll be receiving lots of nasty letters from home. The majority, particularly from the Major Kingdoms, are mostly indifferent.\

Sampson dismissed the prompt. He, for what it was worth, was one of the more excited ones. The resources they had won for Byzanmere made a significant addition to the country’s gross valuation, there was no doubt about that. Sampson had already received a letter from the King, Victoria and Nathaniel’s father, congratulating him, and assuring him of rapid promotion should he continue to show such promise.

He enjoyed the commemorations, certainly, though he frankly wasn’t sure what would happen if he managed to keep the series from going on hiatus all the way through his time in the academy. Oh, well. He would cross that bridge when he came to it. For the time being, he had Swordsmanship to attend, anything more would have to wait until after that.

When he came striding into the class, he found Stephen standing at the center, a warm smile on his face. The class formed up in their standard ring around him. Princess Perfect took her position just next to him, a warm sort of smile on her face.

“Welcome, class.” Stephen crossed his arms behind his back. “I know that your minds will be turned to the tournament and everything that it bore, but I beg of you, turn your mind now to this class. What’s done is done, and as we all know, the mid-semester tournament is simply a set piece for the end of the year. If you wish to improve your lot in time for that particular event, you’ll need to up your game. All of you came here halfway through the year, which means that you’re behind. Many people, hoping to win greater prizes at the end of the year, allowed themselves to be defeated to present a smaller target through these last few months.” Stephen turned his eyes from person to person, lingering a bit longer on Sampson. “Do not allow yourselves to be deceived. Politics are hardly my forte, but I know what overlaps with swordsmanship. Lowering your guard is a deadly mistake in battle, but can also be a good way to draw out an attack that you need. On the flip side, seeing your opponent lower their guard is an excellent opportunity to strike, and yet, can also prove detrimental to your own well-being if you overlook the warning signs.”

Stephen continued to turn, facing everyone, then flashed a small smile. “As such, we’re going to be covering something today that we don’t ordinarily do. It’s a minor point of combat, but one that is critical, especially in high-stakes battles. The art of talking to your opponent.”

Sampson blinked in surprise. Around the ring, a startled murmur rang out, and Stephen smiled.

“Not what you expected to hear, eh? Still, though, think about it.


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