Home Away from Home by Cynthia Lord

Home Away from Home by Cynthia Lord

Author:Cynthia Lord
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Scholastic Press

When I got back to Grandma’s, I told her that Cayman had liked the muffins and that we’d seen the gyrfalcon. I wanted to tell her the rest, how Cayman’s mom had yelled at me and the birders had shown up. But I was embarrassed and wondered if she might be disappointed in me. Or she’d tell Mom and I might lose my phone. Or they’d think I wasn’t responsible enough to do things by myself.

“Can I help you with anything?” I asked, wanting to make up for it. “Can I reach something that’s up high? Or is there any weeding I can do? Or do you need anything at the store?”

“Oh my goodness,” Grandma said. “You’re so helpful, Mia. Well, I’m down to my last can of cat food. Would you mind walking down to Holbrook’s to get some?”

“Glad to,” I said.

Grandma took some money from her purse. “This should be enough for six cans of Seafood Medley. That’s her favorite. If that’s not available, Miss Agatha will eat Chicken Supreme. Just don’t get the beef one. For some reason, she turns her nose up at that one.”

“Miss Agatha is pretty fussy for a stray cat,” I said, laughing.

Grandma grinned. “Just because she’s down on her luck, it’s no reason to let go of her standards. There’s enough money for you to get some saltwater taffy, too.”

Normally, I’d like that. Holbrook’s General Store had a whole row of glass jars full of different types of saltwater taffy: blueberry, peppermint, orange, banana, strawberry, peanut butter, root beer, mint, maple, lemon, and watermelon. Each one was individually wrapped in waxy paper. Over the years, I’ve tried them all, but my favorites were blueberry, strawberry, and watermelon.

Today my stomach felt too mixed up even for those.

Walking to the store, I wondered how something so small as wanting to know something first could have snowballed into something so huge as not telling Grandma the whole truth. I had only meant to keep a little secret for a short time. I didn’t mean for that secret to grow.

Usually, there were a few cars parked in front of the store along the street, but today cars were parked all the way to the church. Maybe someone in town was hosting a party?

I hoped they weren’t all there to buy cat food.

Inside the store, there was a mix of townspeople I recognized and some tourists I didn’t. One of Grandma’s neighbors waved to me. “Mia, good to see you! Your grandma said you were coming to visit.”

“Good to see you, too, Mrs. Eaton,” I said, trying to smile. “I’m just getting some cat food for Miss Agatha, Grandma’s stray cat.”

“Oh, that cat eats my Max’s cat food, too!” Mrs. Eaton laughed. “She’s probably getting fed all over the neighborhood. Feline freeloader!”

“Smart feline freeloader!” I said.

“Tell your grandma I have lots of rhubarb this year if she’d like some,” Mrs. Eaton said. “And say hi to Beanie from me. We all miss her here at home.”

“I will,” I promised.


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