A Sky Full of Stars by Kristen Painter

A Sky Full of Stars by Kristen Painter

Author:Kristen Painter [Painter, Kristen]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Contemporary, Fantasy, Fiction, Fiction & Literature, General, Paranormal, Romance, Romance - Contemporary, Vampires
ISBN: 9781941695869
Amazon: B0CP6GGDYL
Barnesnoble: B0CP6GGDYL
Goodreads: 202932661
Published: 2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Lexi stood in the middle of the forest, surveying the beacon she’d just arranged. She’d used every possible thing she could to create a strong magical pull. Bones for strength, rocks for endurance, a lit candle in the middle because fire drew fire, ferns to represent the land, salt to represent the sea, feathers to represent the air, and cobwebs to hold the magic once it arrived.

She arranged all of the many pieces in perfect symmetrical spirals, the whirling patterns specifically designed to support the spell they would hold.

Now all she had to do was infuse it with real magic. That would activate the spell and turn the beacon on.

But doing that would also leave her utterly without magic, because if she was going to do this, she needed to give the beacon as much of a boost as she could. That meant using all the magic she had left. No reserves. It was really the only way. Thinking she could hold a portion back was like setting herself up for failure.

Eddie put his hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”

She almost nodded, then shook her head. “No. Not really. I am willingly about to rid myself of every shred of remaining magic in order to hopefully get more. I will be human—and mortal—until that happens. If that happens.”

“It will. Even if we don’t get a meteor tonight, we have the rest of our lives to find you another source.” His arm went around her shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I know. Still hard.” She appreciated his commitment to her, but all the certainty she’d felt on the walk here had evaporated.

“Hard things are often the ones most worth doing.”

She looked up at him. He’d done a lot of hard things in his life, and he hadn’t shied from them, had he? Being human and with him was still better than being fully powered up and alone. She put her hand over top of his. “You’re right. I need to do this.”

“You can want to not do it and still do it, you know. It’s okay to not like something while still getting it done. You conquered your fear of heights that way.”

“I wouldn’t say they were conquered, but I understand what you’re saying.” The difference when they’d climbed the tree had been he’d been with her during the entire journey up and down the tree.

Emptying herself of all available magic was something she had to do alone.

She took a breath. She was wasting time. “All right. I’m ready.”

As if sensing she needed space, he stepped back. She approached the beacon. The candle’s small flame flickered in the dim light of dusk. It would soon be completely dark, and the last of the meteors would follow.

She kneeled beside it and held her clenched hands over the beacon. For a moment, she did nothing, once again wavering. She looked skyward. This had to work. And if it didn’t, at least she’d know that she tried.


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