A Little Christmas: Teddy by Aster Rae

A Little Christmas: Teddy by Aster Rae

Author:Aster Rae [Rae, Aster]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2022-12-04T00:00:00+00:00



Teddy's an excellent pupil.

I dry his ears with my fluffiest towel after I guide him out of the tub. I pat his back, neck, and bum, blotting the droplets of water that latch onto his skin. A cluster of candy cane-scented bubbles clings to his big toe, so I dip it back in the tub to remove it.

When I finish, I lead him to my bedroom. I originally intended to slide into his bed and cradle him in my arms. After the night we shared, I realized that wouldn't be sufficient.

My boy deserves to sleep in Daddy's bed tonight. Not his comfy crib overlooking Central Park that my other lovers have slept in before. My room, with a fresh mattress I purchased after the Little who lived with me after Jonathan moved out. No other boy has rested their perfect cheeks on my sheets and I'm grateful as hell Teddy will be the first.

A yawn escapes Teddy's lips as he sets his head on my shoulder. He thrusts his arms around my chest, squeezing me tight as I lay him on my bed.

"Such a good boy." My growly voice fans across my room, echoing off my flat-screen TV and high ceilings. "You received my lessons so well tonight."

Teddy nuzzles his head against my pillow and inhales deeply. "I'm in Daddy's bed." An angelic giggle escapes his lips. "Did Papa ever sleep here?"

I shake my head. "No, sweet boy. I purchased this mattress brand-new last year. The only man who's ever slept in it is me."

"I prefer that." Teddy threads his fingers through mine.

I collapse in the spot next to Teddy. He bounces in the air when I land, laughing softly as gravity brings his ass back to my mattress. His fingers comb through my thick, white beard as he holds on for support.

I have an incredibly muscular body: that's a fact. My biceps and abs are so strong they'd probably send Teddy soaring into the air like he's jumping on a trampoline if I adjust my legs too quickly while I sleep. I must be mindful to move cautiously.

My right hand drapes across his tummy. "I hope you had fun in the tub."

Teddy's eyes widen. His breath hitches as he turns to me. His cock pulsates between his legs, lifting up from his pretty shaved ballsack.

I can't help but groan as I take in his pink cut head, pale shaft, and slender eighteen-year-old hips. Christ, this boy does it for me. Lord knows why I waited so long to track him down. I've never even attempted to be with someone as young as him, mostly because I prefer muscular men in the bedroom. Great asses. Body hair. Bulging biceps I can pin down.

With one innocent look, Teddy reconfigured my type. The old me isn't gone, but Teddy's replaced him with a man who appreciates youthful adult male bodies.

"I did." Teddy massages the back of my right hand. "I looooooved playing with duckies."

Dipping down, I press my lips to his downy cheeks.


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